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It was a busy scenario at the office, All the officers were running around preoccupied with work or transferring files.

The chief officers rooms were situated on the other end of the corridor. While the whole building seemed busy, only it was left stranded. None of them walked in or out of any of those rooms.

One officer walked to knock on the door of what looked like a huge conference hall beside the rooms and entered amidst the dead silence.

There was a meeting going on and likewise the corridor looked so silent away from disturbance.

Standing at the other end of the hall was a well dressed stiff man wearing a cap and glasses that stood to his nose tip. He looked through the gap of his spectacles and forehead,
“I have briefed you about the cases so far” his voice echoed in the mic.

“But Mr. Wonshik this isn’t a complete discussion” one officer there pointed. He looked stiff too but had more built and big egg like eyes.

“Yes I know, I purposefully left it here so that the other’s contribute their part too, Mr. Jackson” Wonshik snapped and got down the podium as he eyed Jackson.

The tension around the two made it obvious that they didn’t complement each other, both in profession and personally.

“But Mr. Wonshik it has happened three times in a row and none of the leads are useful until now” another person spoke.

Wonshik stood up “sir, this is the 4th missing case, not three, just this month, despite looking for evidence we haven’t been able to arrive at conclusions because there is still a doubt if these are actually linked or not”

All nodded. Just then Jackson got up,
“But sir I feel this requires some personal and special investigating protocol”

“As in?”

Everyone looked at him gaze fixed, Wonshik knew he was smart but indeed very annoying so he preferred to keep him beyond his circle.

“Sir we have to set up two teams particularly. One team should be the investigating one, and that will be stationed around Darkray Street since all the missing cases have been centred there and the other works in the emergency call-to team”

“Call-to team?”

“Yes sir, a team of five who will always be on guard and spread out in the city, they will be given one satellite phone each and the number will be shared with the public. If any girl finds anyone suspicious she can call that number and within 5mins the nearest guard reaches the spot” Jackson explained

Wonshik nodded,
“But who is the other team because the kidnapper shouldn’t get the slightest doubt in them all while. Who would suit this work well…”
he wondered when everyone’s eyes stabbed him.

He widened his eyes,
“Me??”  he smirked “no no… I’m not the one”

Jackson shook his head,
“Officers kindly do not take him seriously, I also suggest wonshik being the one for this”

All nodded in harmony. Wonshik was confused and scoffed,
“But I’m a CID officer and everyone is aware of that, there’s a high chance that the kidnapper finds out what we are up to if I get involved” he proposed.

Jackson shook his head again,
“I meant a team wonshik-ah, not just you”

Another senior officer stood up at the two and began to clear his throat,
“hmph hmph, wonshik you will lead the team of investigators. You know about the case well and you’re the only person who can lead them well in this than any of us and... let Jackson lead the team of rescue. I’ll assign the most efficient officers in this field for your assistance Mr. Wonshik. I guess for Jackson… ”

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now