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Namjoon and hoseok were trying to calm seokjin down. Frightened at the sight of a half hand peeking through the sand, he almost wet his pants, with sweat.

"Jin, this shouldn't scare you, come on! you're a crime branch detective, you shouldn't be so weak" Namjoon adviced.

"I'm fine!! Yah! Who would Not freak out when they saw a human body part hang out near your neck" Jin exploded.

Hoseok rubbed his forehead stressfully and took a walk outside the tent, just then he saw someone get off a car and ran to him,
"Guys!! Jimin is here"

Ravi immediately ran out to receive him,
"God! Where were you guys? I was waiting for so long. Where are the others?" he asked gesturing him to follow.

"They're held up elsewhere, personal" Jimin said as he followed Ravi to another tent where a polythene black bag was tied and kept on a table in the middle with all forensic instruments beside on a table.

"What's happening" Jimin asked after seeing the bag.

"Look for yourself" Ravi gestured and stepped back.

Jimin zipped it open and stepped back for the unbearable stink. He covered his nose with his hands but his eyes widened in shock the moment he recognised the person.

"Isn't this the first girl who went missing?" he asked taking a mask from the table beside.

Namjoon had entered the tent by then,
"Yes, it's her. He'd buried her exactly where she went missing"

Hoseok handed him a pair of gloves,
"we wanted a forensic opinion"

Jimin glared at him doubtfully,
"I'll try" and received a nod from all.

The body had decomposed half and the skin was eaten by maggots. Her clothes were torn but still on. All the wounds were seen but was difficult to differentiate from the ones created by the pests. He then searched for signs of blood shed from anywhere, he trailed his hands on every part trying to identify any leading clue. Just then something bulgy felt under the pocket of her skirt, It was a dampened crumpled paper piece. The pocket was a deep seated one and thus was able to keep the paper from getting torn. He pulled it out and showed it under the light.

"What's that" Namjoon asked while Hoseok exchanged looks with Ravi.

"What else, it should be a suicide note" Jin broke out as he entered.

"Why are you here, go rest up" Hoseok snapped.

"Yah! why do you keep chasing me away, I'm fine" Jin snapped before going to analysing the paper "It looks like a note to me"

"Who would commit suicide by burying themselves in?" Namjoon pointed.

"When they want to grow into a huge tree" Jin replied making all face-palm.

"Sorry guys, I'll take care of this" Namjoon apologised and dragged him out forcefully.

"Hey wait, I'm not joking, listen...hey!.."

"What do you think" ravi asked with Jimin only staring the paper keenly.

"I need time" Jimin said.

Jungkook had untied him from the chair but hung him upside down in the basement where not much attention was there.

The guy was wiggling and stretching to let the ropes tying his hands loose but it wasn't working.

"Next time you come anywhere near her I'll tell you, I'll skin everyone of you alive under the sun" he threatened, sitting on a chair opposite him.

"I'll do it myself. And no one. No one! Interfere. UNDERSTAND!!!" he yelled.

His phone rang,
"hello, jungkook I need help"

Jimin's voice spoke.

"Now your asking me help?? Wow! moment of the century"

"Stop joking, it's about the criminal, we found the body of the first girl. He is a murderer jungkook not just a kidnapper"

"So?" he replied unbothered.

"It's about rijin, she is his next target, you know that right? so come quick"

Jimin knew that he would listen if it was for Rijin. Now that they figured out what the murderer does with the victims, it would be stupidity to ignore.

Jimin looked around to make sure no one was listening and mumbled in a low voice,
"Just tie him up and come, nothing will happen to Rijin"

Jungkook sighed and agreed to come. He hung the call and glared at the man who was coughing and moaning in pain, he then took out a plaster and twirled it around his mouth a few times. Locking the basement door he kept the key with him in his pocket and left.


The same dream of her playing with the same boy flashed only this time his face was more clear and brighter. He smiled as he pulled her hand to him and they hugged each other, laughing and giggling happily.

Her memory was in denial to accept any of these incidents as reality. She kept wondering if all that was just made up moments of her childhood or something that she yearned for. But the vibe wasn't fake, she knew deep inside somewhere that she felt it, she could feel that it wasn't a lie.

Then flashed the vision of the boy who played with her.

'Where can I find you'

She slowly came to consciousness and woke up to see she was on her bed in her room.

"How did I come here?" she mumbled and got up.

Suddenly there was a crash from the basement, startling her. Suspicious, she went to check.

"Jimin? Is that you?" she called but it was dead silent.
Probably not him. Then, "Jungkook?"

Still there was no response.

Her steps got quieter and she tiptoed carefully to peek through the door hole.
There it was a chair with chains and ropes only now it was empty.


DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now