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The look was of an abandoned house at Darkray street and barely there was a chance of anyone having the slightest suspicion that someone lived inside. He casually turned up the volume in the music player to a mild tone of a country melody escaping the speakers.

Breakfast was not a daily commitment but he made it himself so that he could spend sometime to watch the news on TV. Knowledge is what all would think but that's not the actual reason, he keeps track of his crimes very diligently indeed. He always check the progress of the investigation and in any case if it leads back to him, which hasn't happened in all the seven years. His work is always clean and tidy. For no random reason he was called the Mr. Clean during his school. It wasn't very interesting on the news so he continued to tap his heels and shake his hips for the music on his player, until something very weird caught his attention.

This was the first morning report we received from our reporter, there was a missing case reported a few days ago in the city and the police have been searching for the lady.

He walked closer and raised the volume of the TV dominating over the country melody . His attention was completely on the news now that he had even forgotten to sip his coffee from the cup in his hands.

Recently the police found her whereabouts around the Busan city market. On further inquiry it has lead to the cab driver who dropped her off near a subway on the day she went missing. Beyond which the information is yet to reach the ears of the media.

"we will soon catch the kidnapper" promised the commissioner on the TV "the public to remain calm and report to the police if someone or something feels suspicious immediately"

Slowly his eyes shined furiously, more blue than the usual tint, bitting his nails in stress he walked into the back store of his house. Quite isolated from the rest of his rooms, he opened it to reveal a whole room of random items in them. Most of it had the look of ladies belongings.

Dimly lit with a night lamp was the room that wasn't cleaned for ages or rather left unbothered. He walked past many cupboards all arranged one after the other with random ladies items, like souvenirs. One row full of make up items; broken mirrors, messy lipstick, open foundation bottle and even a brush. The row beneath with used cups, shattered or cracked crockery and crushed tissues.

As he walked through these cupboards there was one last rack with bags, all sorts of them. Ranging from a double strap school bag to a high-fi handbag. There he placed her handbag which he used to strangle her before killing. He smiled with a feeling of self satisfaction and kissed it. As he walked out he came past the mirror, paused for a moment and admired it. There stood his reflection smiling back at him with the highest ego of accomplishment. Wearing a black leather jacket and high made up hair , eyes shining blue even under the dim light and a tattoo on his neck was standing the man who just killed so many women in the past few months. The man whom anyone not even the police could find.

Just as his gaze fell on a sheet of torn newspaper, picking it up he flapped it twice until it straightened a little for the words to be legible. He slit his eyes as the news read :

"the girl of utmost interest now joins the forensics internship at the busan forensics institute. The ever-admiring lady now sees the transformation of her life into a new future as she joins her course the day after on Thursday. Catching the eyes of all the media reporters, daughter of the big shot Kim so hee, the most successful businesswoman busan has ever seen, is pursuing her further training in her home town."

"interesting" he smirked.

Suddenly a sharp pain radiated his neck and up his head. He cried and collapsed for the unbearable pain which hit every single cell, every single nerve in his skull. He squeezed his head in pain and yelped out loud "Aaahhh...uuuggghhh"

Suddenly his struggle calmed down and he dropped flat on the ground where he lied, exhausted. His whole face sweating and body shivering. His eyes flushed back to its normal brownish black hue. He passed out on the spot unable to hold in the fight.

The fight was real, even if he tried to believe this a nightmare he knew that this would repeat again. Its been coming often nowadays, without his intention.

Deep inside his head were the scenes that flashed; of himself and another kid of his size, playing around in the living room of an unidentifiable house but then an explosion breaks through their rooms out of nowhere and both are thrown away for the push. He walked to check but his friend held him back in fear. Conflicting thoughts if he should go check his parents who were in the other room or should he stay here with his friend rendered him confused at his place...

Slowly his eyes opened from the dream, not knowing if what he saw was a dream or something of importance to his forgotten past, he held his stomach and turned on his side, Coughed a few times and that's when his eyes fell on that newspaper clipping. He wondered if what he just went through was because of that piece of paper or was it simply, coincidence.

Because if it was coincidence then he should deal with overcoming it but if it wasn't then he'd better be away from the girl on the newspaper.

Away from the one girl,

Sung kayei

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