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Each one of them went searching in every direction from her office since she was last seen there. Jungkook went up the building and tried to locate where she could have possibly run if she was stalked or chased.

Jimin ran to the nearby public spot like parks, restaurants and squares, While Rijin went trailing the route she would have taken if she was in her place. Her eyes were looking for signs of her identity, anything that belonged to her or to the killer.

Jimin went rummaging every garbage pit looking for a clue, just then he noticed a broken phone lying a few metres away from the pit.

Jimin went rummaging every garbage pit looking for a clue, just then he noticed a broken phone lying a few metres away from the pit

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‘why would someone throw their phone away from the pit if they wanted to throw it anyway. They could have simply dropped it here’ he wondered and picked up the phone after wearing gloves.
He tried to fix it by pushing back the dislocated parts in it and somewhat Brought it back to shape.

He then called ravi and hoseok immediately to tell them about this, they were inquiring the neighbours if they saw Minah by showing her photograph.

“Yes Jimin did you find anything” ravi picked the call. Hoseok was looking at him expecting a good answer like 'they found her or they got some clue leading to her'
But Ravi didn't seem to be excited nor depressed. He wore a fixed expression.

“Okay we will be there” he replied to the phone and cut the call, leaving hoseok puzzled

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“Okay we will be there” he replied to the phone and cut the call, leaving hoseok puzzled.

“What… what is it? Did they find her??” he asked with bright eyes but ravi shook his head and pulled hoseok with him.

Jungkook was watching them gather  near the place where Jimin was, but he couldn’t spot Rijin, worriedly he scanned the entire radius but she wasn’t seen anywhere.

'where did she go' he got down to go look for her.

“This is what I found” Jimin showed it to ravi and hosoek.

Hosoek immediately grabbed it from him and began tearing out in emotion,
“This is… My sister’s phone” his voice cracked.

“Good job Jimin, see if you can find anymore clues” he patted him and sent him away trying to create some lonely space for hoseok.

Hoseok was tearing out in fury,
“Hoseok-ah you should learn to keep yourself under control in such times, we will find her soon don’t lose yourself before that or we might lose him this time too” ravi hugged hoseok and patted his shoulder.

“RIJIN!! RIJIN!! Choi riiijjiiiinnn!!” Jungkook called her as loud as he can but she was not seen.

“RIJIN!! RIJIN!! Choi riiijjiiiinnn!!” Jungkook called her as loud as he can but she was not seen

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He half jogged worriedly , in and around the street to locate her. He knew the street map well so he could guess where he was standing at the very moment.
He ran around the turning of the street leading to the junkyard nearby. He ran as fast as he could as his eyes kept scanning around every little corner but they froze as he spotted the lean skinny girl with a high pony and blue jeans she wore this morning, standing near the edge of the street holding something in her hand.

“Choi Rijin!” he called for her but she didn’t respond.
He found it suspicious that she was at an audible distance and yet didn’t even flinch for his call. He walked towards her slowly counting every step like he was in thin ice. His body shivered for the weirdness that spread in the air. He reached his hand out and shook her shoulder carefully but she suddenly went floppy and dropped unconscious right into his arms as soon as he held her.

“Oh my god!! Rijin! Rijin!...Kayei!! Sung kayei!! What happened” he quickly carried her in his arms and went to the vehicle.

He dropped her in slowly on the backseat and looked at her worriedly. He stroked her hair gently and checked her pulse to make sure she was alive. But he noticed something when his hands fell on her fist. It was tightly clenched and  was holding something in it.

He forced her fingers open gently trying not to hurt her and pulled out what looked like a pendant. It had a round dial hanging down its end that resembled a dial hand clock.

'How did she find this?'he mumbled to himself and tucked it inside his pockets and drove her away home

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'How did she find this?'
he mumbled to himself and tucked it inside his pockets and drove her away home.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now