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"Are you okay? Leave me" Hoseok's voice quivered with false courage.

"Jimin-ah" Namjoon pulled him off Hoseok and shoved him away.

"Are you okay?" Jimin looked at Rijin who was tearing out after what Hoseok had accused.

He pursed his lips and hugged her,
"come let's go out" And took her out while Hoseok breathed and kneeled on the floor with Namjoon beside comforting him.

Jungkook stormed away leaving Taehyung and Ravi exchanging blank looks.

"Sure?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm fine always Jimin" she replied walking forward.

"About Jungkook, I'm sorry he provoked" Jimin said

"No it's not your fault" she consoled.

"Shall I get something for you to eat? You must be hungry, you didn't even have your breakfast well" he grabbed her arm gently.

She nodded.

"Okay take a walk until I go buy it for you, the shop is right at the end of this street" he said precisely, smiled and left after receiving a nod.

She loved the way he cared for her, he always gave her preference over anything and listened to her calmly unlike the other guy she deals with, Jungkook.

'Jungkook never really bothered about my feelings or never cared about how I felt'
She kept thinking why he was so annoying only to her.

'His mood fluctuations have gotten scary. Now that I recall, he kept behaving differently with me and others, just like now. But why'

Without her knowledge she wandered off track into the park with a lot of trees that spread on either side of the road. After going quite deep she realised she had walked too far.

Just as she turned around to walk back her ears picked the sound of leaves rustling just behind her. Chills ran down her spine despite the humidity. Some faint hope that it should be Jimin rooted in her heart but then her instinct denied the same.


She slowly turned and noticed a guy with a black hoodie hiding behind a tree staring right at her. His silhouette resembled the one she'd dreamt of. Her senses were alerted immediately making her walk really fast on the opposite direction.

Was it her or it felt like everything was moving in slow-motion. Her brain could consciously make out the effort her calf was pouring into to push her ahead. Her forehead wet with sweat. Her heart was beating as fast as a racing horse to cope with the speed her legs were running at.

He followed her stealthily and her faze kept trailing him behind as she ran forward. Suddenly the memory of her nightmare flashed in front of her eyes.

The kidnapper.

And he was the same man who broke into her room the other night.

'but he had blue eyes' she turned and checked as she kept jogging, this time she focused on his eyes. There it was shining bright blue in the daylight fixated only at her.

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