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Sirens filled the emptiness of the street while the neighbours were busy doing their house chores unbothered of what's happening.

"Go ahead and cover up" Namjoon yelled gesturing a flight of cadets to the back porch.
Jin followed as Ravi pulled out his gun and stood before the front door ready to fire.

"Shall I do it?" Jin asked when Ravi was about to break it open.

He nodded and switched places with Jin.

He stepped a few steps back and charged towards the door colliding it with his broad shoulders as hard as he could, breaking the hinge in one shot.

Ravi immediately covered for him as they entered into a dark, gloomy and  stinky house.

"He could be here anywhere" Jin whispered holding him back when he was about to enter one of the rooms.

Ravi smirked, "I've been investigating thoroughly, he's not here, for sure, which is why I decided to break in now"

"Let's go to the unusual spots first then" he proposed and lead the way.

Ravi followed looking around, holding the gun loaded and charged. His gaze looked through small details of the house as he walked his way in.

A shelf with books of psychiatric conditions, half emptied cups of coffee but looking darker raised the brows of Jin when he smelled it.

"Medicines. Not coffee" he said right away when he sniffed.

Ravi then went in to the store room, seeing it was locked he broke the latch in a single kick and pointed the gun swiftly.

"Ravi?!" Jin pulled him down hurriedly.

They quickly ducked down together barely missing an iron filled punching back fly right above their heads.

"Shit! What was that!?" Jin cursed.

"Probably a set up, in case someone found out" Ravi deduced.

"But why this house? There are so many in this street, how did you find that it was this one?" Jin questioned as they got up.

"Because all the murders have been this street centric. So narrowing down the locality I found it should be a local neighbourhood guy who knew all the victim's routines" Ravi said "he followed them, stalked them without being suspected then doesn't that mean he must have been someone familiar to the rest of the public here"

Jin nodded in agreement.

"And in this street this house has been abandoned for more than fifteen years. Naturally pulling my attention" he winked.

Jin showed a flustered reaction and went ahead but the stink got stronger preventing them from walking further in.

"God! This is so strong! What the hell is that smell" both covered their nose.

"It's coming from there" Ravi pointed at another half broken door on the other side of the room which was sealed with many wooden planks across and a name board reading 'store' nailed to it.

"We have to break this down. I guess we'll find something there" he looked around for something.

"Wait" Jin brought a crowbar and pulled it off the door that held it together.

With no hesitation Jin kicked the door and entered hurriedly before Ravi could stop him and in no time his legs entangled in a whole bunch of wires.

"Are you insane!?" Ravi slapped his forehead in despair still standing out the room.

Jin stood frozen and shot him an apologetic look.

Ravi looked around impatiently and brought a plier that laid on the floor to cut the wires off but was interrupted by another hand behind him.

"Wait!! You'll blow up the whole house along with us" Namjoon stopped him from behind.

Ravi sighed and threw the plier away while Namjoon examined the wires as he tried to locate its main box.

"These are current wires, so they should be having a power source that he might probably switch off before entering. He wouldn't have set this up to kill himself, could he. We have to find the source"

Ravi looked around and found an electrical box on the wall beside the door. He then went to switch it off but Namjoon held him back,
"No. That's not it. It's too obvious"

Ravi gave him a hopeless look,
"then where is it? This is the room's power source" he claimed angrily.

Namjoon kept his calm and pointed at Jin's feet,
"its not just one wire, there are many. Moreover I don't think it would be this easily noticeable"

Jin's eyes widened the moment Namjoon said it.
"So am I gonna die now?"

Namjoon shook his head "No, not if we find the power switches for all these"

Ravi yanked his shirt off from Namjoon’s grip and went around to find the power.

Namjoon gestured Jin to trust him and wait, he surfed the ceiling and even the floor. While ravi searched between the books and tools.

"This is no use" Ravi said impatiently.

"Found it" Namjoon exclaimed.

Ravi ran upto him and stared at what he was looking at, a huge painting hung on the wall.

"It's a freaking painting. What else" he snapped irritated.

"That's where you miss the details, look" he lifted the sides of the painting and pulled it off the wall. It hid a depression in the wall with switches but all in the off position.

"Well it's all off, now what" Ravi lost hope and ranted.

"It's on" Namjoon looked at him and flipped all the switches the other way. He looked at Jin and gestured him to lift his leg off the ground. Jin did as he said, carefully, scared.

His leg slowly stepped away from the wires safely without getting hurt an inch.

Ravi and Namjoon sighed a relief.
"He's too smart. We took him lightly"

Jin was furious,
"I'll kill him if I find him"

Now that they escaped the trap, their attention went to the room they had stepped in.

It was filled with rows of cupboards, bearing things, mostly used antiques of someone's. Blood stained sink and a wall cupboard of glass bottles with some fluid holding what looked like human parts in it.

Jin immediately covered his nose and so did Namjoon. Ravi couldn't help but gag at the sight of it.

"What a freaking psychopath. Are these the body parts of the victims?" Ravi spat.

"Hoseok would have been completely broken if he saw this" Namjoon thought as he went to research the things.

"This is the missing handbag of the athlete" Jin pointed.

"And I think this was the umbrella that the police reported as a missing item along with the first victim" Namjoon commented.

Ravi looked annoyed and angry after seeing how much he must have tortured them in here but looked all sweet and innocent on the outside. He was ready to burn him down alive if he ever caught him red handed.

"Where's Jimin" he asked.

"You said he wasn't here that's why we broke in, right" Jin reminded.

"Yes but now it's time for some real action" he said blazing fury in his eyes.

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