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"Noooooo!!!" her legs gave away but another pair hands held her from falling.

"Hey hey are you okay" Jimin asked seeing her freak out.

"Jimin, oh my god Jimin!, someone is after me" she cried frightened and dug her face on his chest.

He hugged her, "Rijin no one is there" he looked around.

"He was there" she saw again but it was empty, the road stranded but the same wind blew, the same light scattered over and the same trees swayed on either side, only he was not seen.

"Rijin calm down, its okay. I'm here. I'm here" he gripped her shoulder and walked her inside safely.


They all had woken up before sunrise to pack their luggages up the next day. Rijin was terrified, she couldn't help but keep thinking about that black hoodied man. On the other hand was the worry about Jungkook. She felt crumpled inside and couldn't say it out either. Her heart was heavy and she felt miserable.

"Hey you okay?" Jaeji asked looking at her sit frozen for a long time.

"Yeah yeah, are we done" Rijin asked trying to hide her face.

"Is it some problem?" Jaeji asked sitting beside her.

"No not at all, I'm just tired from yesterday" Rijin managed and stood up but Jaeji pulled her back down.

"Is it Jungkook?" she asked making Rijin purse her lips in worry.

"I'm so helpless" Rijin teared out "I want to ask but I don't want to either, I'm scared what will be hidden in it. I'm scared to face the truth" she hugged Jaeji.

Jaeji patted her, "Don't worry its all for the good. Not always everything is easy to go through. Hard times have to be fought but after, give good moments" she motivated and consoled her.

"Rijin!! Jaeji! Are you guys ready, the bus is ready to leave" Jimin knocked on their door outside.

Jaeji nodded and smiled assuring before opening the door to led them both in.

Taehyung hugged his sister while jimin walked straight to her,

"How are you feeling" he whispered stroking her cheek.

"I'm good" she replied holding his hand.

"come let's go" he smiled warmly.

"Did you hear about Jungkook?" she anchored to the same topic.

Taehyung shook his head, "nope, we guess he left alone"

"Can he go like that?" she asked

"I don't know, maybe. Joongi Prof doesn't know either so we assume it should be that" Taehyung replied while Jimin cupped her face.

"Rijin he'll be okay. Don't worry about him. Worry about yourself. I can't see you in that state again" he said with intense gaze and leaned closer.

The hair on her hands stood up and she slowly leaned back. His lips came so close that she could feel his breath over her nose bridge.

Taehyung widened his eyes and shut Jaeji's eyes with her pulling it off to see them kiss.

She shut her eyes hesitantly while his lips trailed above and gently touched her forehead. He moved away as soon he pecked her head. She felt mixed emotions - happy, anxious, rather cared.

She felt she was important to someone. The touch made her feel secure than any moment of her life. Being with taekwoon all these years never made her feel safe, but this gesture of his made her believe he would do anything to keep her safe. Floundered she forgot to react.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now