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"I like your perfume"

She gasped terrified when she heard him stand right behind her neck,
She tried to run but he immediately caught her waist and grabbed her tightly.

She fought her entire strength on releasing his grip but it was a waste. He was muscular and terribly strong.

"Let me drop you" he whispered in her ear. She shrieked and breathed out in the struggle to free herself.

No one was seen or rather it made it difficult for her to make a loud noise for he was squeezing her stomach in his hands and now he had even slammed her mouth and nose with his palm. She tried to gain and gasp for air but it choked even before she could think of screaming. Her voice got muffled in his hands and she gradually got slower. Her legs stopped moving and she fainted in his arms asphyxiating.
He put her on his shoulder and walked down the street humming a tune to hinself.

"your mine my dear.... Yeah your mine... Mine mine mine"

A song was heard far off as she slowly gained conscious. After coming back to senses she realised it wasn't a song but someone singing. That's when she recalled what happened,

she was kidnapped.

Her eyes widened in shock and she tried to get up and run but her hands were fixed, when she lifted her head up, she saw that her hands were nailed to the table beneath.

She screamed for the sudden pain she felt, her legs were tied to the table legs underneath. She was taped to the table on which she was lying.

She screamed again hoping that someone would hear her,
"HELLPP.... HELP!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP... PLEAAASEEE" but nothing seemed to work.

When she yelled suddenly the voice that was singing stopped. She panicked at the abrupt response in worry if she alerted the kidnapper by screaming. As she expected the door to the room opened revealing a guy with tattoos all over his abdomen and a few scars on his back.

"awake??" he asked as he came closer making her twitch.

"you know you were the first girl that told me that my eyes were pretty"

She regretted her life decision when she recalled how she fell for his trap. Her stupidity led her here, she closed her eyes and weeped out loudly.

He leaned closer until their faces were inches apart and slowly slid his hand on her neck, chest, abdomen and down her legs making her tremble in disgust and fear.

"why are you doing this.... Leave me... Please... I'll do anything you want but please leave!!" she cried making him shake his head.

"no... no... you haven't still understood have you? You can't leave but yeah, you can still give me something" he smiled maniacally and suddenly grew serious.

"give me your life" he whispered.

She was now out of her control and began yelling at him,
"you're a mad man, your insane... what are you going to get by killing stupid psycho!!!" she shrieked until her voice broke.

"YES!! I'M A PSYCHOPATH" he laughed again looking above "AND.... I get peace when I kill you!!!" he yelled

He choked her neck with his hand, "why should I see mercy hahhaaaaa die... Diee....DIE!!!" he squeezed so hard that she pooled a fountain of blood out of her mouth and he continued until her movements froze.

She died on the table making him breath hard as he got down from the table where he had squatted. He eyed her once and kissed her bleeding cheek before disposing her body off in a garbage cover and threw it to into the land fill a few metres away from the bus stop they first met.

"your a special love, I'll never forget this" he said and stuffed in the small bottle of perfume she had into his pocket as he walked back.

His phone clinged just then, he took it out and smiled at the sender of the text just then realisation hit him that it wasn't his but her phone whom he just killed.

"hey where are you I'm waiting home

He smirked and threw the phone away on the wall as he went on, breaking it to pieces.


"where is she, did she reply?" mom asked from kitchen.

"no I just texted her, doesn't she wanna see her brother?? I'm coming after 2 years" he said restlessly staring at the door and back at the phone.

"don't worry hoseok-ah, she told me she was gonna work late tonight, she'll be back soon" mom consoled.

But his gut feeling wasn't right, "I hope" he said as he stared at the photo with them both smiling happily and pulling each other's cheek

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But his gut feeling wasn't right,
"I hope" he said as he stared at the photo with them both smiling happily and pulling each other's cheek.

He tried calling her again and it rang, only now that the owner was rotting in the landfill inside a plastic bag.

The broken pieces rang lying on the ground where she was thrown dead and the caller ID flashed on the cracked screen,

Hoseok oppa

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now