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Am I right Jimin?

He pointed his cigarette gesturing him to smoke along.

Jimin thought for a moment before taking the pipe in between his fingers doubtfully.

‘Is he trustworthy, will he actually help me cover up for the exposure from the police. How? Or maybe I have a choice to just walk away or- maybe not. *sighs* He is right, I have to believe in him’

“Don’t think too much, I’m doing this to protect you and of course, my revenge for that department, so go ahead” the guy smirked.

He thoughtfully nodded and pulled in the smoke from the cigarette gesturing an acceptance in the deal. He lifted his head and there it was, flashing like a sword, his blue eyes with a cunning smirk playing through his masked face.

“Thanks Jimin , for trusting me and I won’t disappoint you”

“You better not, Jackson”

“Who knows about you now”  Jackson asked.

“Only that Jaeji girl and Hoseok, that police guy. Both came yesterday and confronted me. She even knocked me out. But he is the main threat, what if he reveals my truth to the rest of them?” Jimin mumbled with his cold voice. "I can take him down right now but it'll get too suspicious if he is murdered in my place. Jaeji is not a problem, I'll handle her"

“Don’t worry” Jackson smirked “He won’t be there tomorrow for so much trouble. Where is he now?”

"He's knocked out too by me" Jackson raised his brows impressed

---(next morning)---

Hoseok walked heftily, anxious about something, his mind wasn’t in peace since he saw the true side of Jimin last evening. He dashed out without even informing anyone the moment his consciousness came back.

‘God how can I pass out for a whole day! Lucky even he wasn’t strong enough to be awake, or I would be dead by now. Got to tell namjoon about this first’
He picked out his phone as he kept hurrying near the bus stop.

‘Oh no its switched off, come on! not now’

His phone had lost its battery because he didn’t charge since last morning when he came to visit them.

Cursing the situation and his phone he stood waiting for the bus impatiently just when a voice called him from behind.

He turned and immediately the panic and stress on his face changed to an innocent happy smile.

“Oh! Jackson! How are you” he hugged him.

He hugged him back and began a conversation.
“What’s the matter, you said you weren’t going to come Back from abroad” Jackson asked.

“Yeah, I was called for an emergency investigation” hoseok replied hastily checking his watch time and again.

“Investigation? You’re the most sincere man I’ve ever met man” he stretched his hands out gesturing another hug.

Hoseok blushed and hit his shoulder before falling into his trick and hugged him innocently.

Another second in his arms and a strong push was felt right into his back with immense pain accompanying it. The pain slowly raised to touch its peak where his legs got weak and his brain stopped processing anymore.

The stab went right through his lungs from the back and he could feel every inch of the metal inside him.

“Ja.. Jack… jackson”

His eyes teared and he stepped away weakly.

Jackson smirked at him and pulled away, he shrugged his shoulder and took out another knife from his back pocket,
“Sorry buddy, I have no choice” he swung his arm up to land it again but Hoseok held his arm mid air and pushed him with all his might.

"Yo...You traitor!"

Jackson tripped backwards and fell to the ground while Hoseok took off into a run. He ran as fast as he could but it was no use, he was followed until every drop of his blood leaked out through the stab point.

He turned into a side street to loose him but his legs got even weaker and began trembling unable to bear his weight anymore. His breathing was shallow and uneven as his lungs were struggling to expand despite the puncture.

Just as he lost track of Jackson he saw another silhouette walking rather timidly towards him. As her face came to light he was relieved and went towards her,
“Jaeji... Its him... Ja” he breathed but lost consciousness and fell on her shoulder with his lungs letting out the last bit of air in it.

His conscious could only think one thing now as it faded slowly,

Mom, I guess I’m leaving now, sorry for leaving you earlier. I love you mom.
Minah! Oppa tried all that he could to get you justice but I failed. Sorry for being a bad brother and not being able to look after you. Someone will surely seek justice for you, I promise’

Half faded vision of Jaeji, he felt his chest slow down and finally all he could see was nothing but darkness.


DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now