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Jaeji sat in the garden of their house and stared at the blank sky. Her thoughts grinded over and over, about how her own stupidity has now cost a life. Only if she hadn't involved Hoseok into this psychiatric investigation of hers about Jimin, he could have been around now alive.

'What will I tell the others? What will I tell to his mother? What wrong did he do' she kept choking on her own under her guilt.

As she feared her eyes got wet and tears dropped down while her throat choked trying to hold it in.

'I only tried to help him get his revenge for his sister' tears sparkled on her cheek.

Just then something warm touched the side of her cheek. She flinched and turned but the moment her gaze saw who it was, her emotions were switched to hatred and rage.
"Huh?!! GET AWAY!!!"

"I'm sorry if I scared you" Jimin said startled and pulled his hands away.

She got up immediately and tried to leave but he held her hand back,
"why? what's wrong"

She yanked his hands off her and shot a look filled with loath.

"I noticed you here and came thinking you might be feeling dreadful" Jimin said and looked closer.

She leaned back and scoffed, "get away from me. You scare me"

"I'm sorry Jaeji-ya. I don't want to scare you. But I don't know why your behaving so differently with me" he looked innocent.

"you don't?"

He shook his head unknowingly.

"I'm not in any mood to talk to you right now. So go away!"

"Did you have a special relationship with Hoseok hyung? You seem more broken than anyone else " he asked curiously.

She grabbed his collar in fury and teared out,
"For a man who can kill, I don't think the loss of a friend is gonna make a difference" she snapped angrily and turned to leave but he swiftly held her arm back and got up too.

"What?- What did you say?" he asked shocked.

She fought his grip,
"never mind"

He blocked her way and glared furiously,
"tell me, what are you hiding from me? Tell me??!" he raised his voice making her flinch.

She sighed and looked back in his eyes,
"Did you kill hoseok?" she asked straight without any hesitation.

"WHAT CRAP! I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE" he replied instantly with a tone of innocent accusation.

She found his response too honest for a man who actually killed. Her eyes scanned him for a few seconds until she realised something.

'He said the same thing the other day too. He means it. Then what I saw the other day? Was it a lie, a hallucination? No it was all true. I saw it with my own eyes, he hitting Hoseok and threatening me but why doesn't he remember anything later on...'

"Jaeji!!" He heaved and spoke softly "Tell me what you know please" he shook her shoulders.

'Even now I know he must have tried to kill him but why isnt he remembering anything. Oh dear' her eyes widened 'is he suffering from... '

"Jaeji!!" he shook harder and brought her back to reality.


"Tell me what is it that you know"

She quickly pushed his hands away and jogged inside hurriedly leaving him confused.

She rummaged through her books in her room and picked one out of it. Placed it on the bed and swiftly turned the pages until she found what she was look for.

Her fingers moved line by line and her eyes widened in shock as the last words read,

Dissociative personality


Namjoon and Jin glared at ravi for an explanation.

"What made you think it wasn't the man we are looking for" Jin questioned.

"See, this psychopath always targets only one gender, right. But Hoseok is someone off in this prefixed target list" ravi began.

Jin shook his head,
"it could be a distraction so that we don't follow his traces" he shot an eager look at Namjoon for support who was looking dreadful.

Jin patted his shoulder consoling him, "I know it's bad what happened to hoseok, but if we don't find him justice then who will" Jin calmly said "Namjoon-ah we have to be strong more than anyone else now"

Namjoon sighed, delicately wiping off the tear that escaped his eye and added,

"Hoseok was the police officer investigating himself, so it's a valid explanation of why he didn't want him alive" Namjoon added making Jin nod in agreement.

Ravi smirked and shook his head,
"No. Then what about the weapon. He never leaves the weapon on the body. He always finds a way to dispose it cleanly unlike this case"

Namjoon thought for a few moments and Jin shot up,
"maybe he tried to but didn't have enough time or something. Maybe Hoseok fought him away and escaped before he could do any of those things"

Ravi blinked hard,
"Hoseok died within a few minutes of stab meaning, he lost a lot of blood and so was very weak to even fight someone tinier than him"

Namjoon sighed,
"Okay even if we acknowledge that then, who is the murderer"

"I need to figure that out. Seeing at how he has stabbed him it looks more like he stabbed him from behind. Or he knew Hoseok personally. He tried to hug him and then stabbed him but Hoseok pushed him hard and ran away before being stabbed again"

"Someone who knew Hoseok?" Something in that sentence troubled Jin "Who could it be who doesn't want the investigation to move on" he mumbled.

Ravi sighed and made everyone in the room ponder over the same thing.
Who was it.

Three days ago

Black was something that could be easily ignored when seen in the misty night air. So he wore a black jacket and covered his remaining face with a black mask. He looked around before settling near a lamp pole, leaning on it waiting for someone and constantly checking the watch on his hand.

It ticked 5 past 1 and the moon still hadn't shown up that night. He slowly slid out a pipe from his pocket and placed it in his mouth, tucked out his lighter and lit its end to drag in a smoke. The flame made him feel warm in the cold night and even showed light on a man who now stood in front of him.

"You're late" he scoffed, puffing the smoke out without much surprise in his tone.

"What made you think I would even come" the short guy with blue eyes spoke.

"I only told you what I know and you made your own choice. I was okay even if you didn't turn up tonight" he puffed in the smoke again.

"I might have come here but I still don't believe in you Jackson" he snapped with disbelief creeping in his eyes.

"How deep is that distrust of yours? Because I think you need me to help you,

Am I right Jimin?"

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now