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He stood with the arrogance he'd never showed, in front of the man whom he always loathed.

“So what makes you come all the way here to meet me? Its not business I suppose” his tone added the sarcasm as he sat in his seat facing the other side.

“How far can you get? I only thought you were ambitious but you ended up being lower than the lowest man with no self-esteem” Jungkook spilled without hesitation getting him irritated.

“Shut up. You’ve never seen how your dad runs his business. It has made you what you are today, don’t forget that” he pointed.

He was done with the selfish talks of his dad so decided to give him one last chance before making a decision.

“Your greed for this position has made you into an awful person. Worse than a murderer now” he leaned on the table “I lost mom, Jaemy lost his parents and Rijin her mom, all cause of you. Now all that she has is probably only me and I will never let her lose that, I’ll do anything to stop you... remember that!”

He smirked “Your confronting your dad? Your own dad? The supreme power?” he asked with a feigned smirk on his face.

“No one is supreme without his people, the moment I walk out from here don’t forget that you’ve lost half your pride and power” Jungkook snapped and turned around but was hastily stopped by his dad,
“Kook-ah" He voiced softly in an attempt to melt his son "don’t don’t make that mistake. You will get ruined if I’m not with you. Father is doing all this for you my son”

He stood in his place and smirked,
“I guess I’m better off without you dad- Sorry, Mr. Jeon Ilhoon”

He walked out of the door without another second. Ihoon was furious and banged the table in anger.

‘Stupid boy’ he thought ‘nothing can stop me from getting that girl. I’ll see how much you stand for her, against your father’


Taehyung buttoned up his coat and took the envelope he had written for hoseok and tucked it in his pocket.

“You're ready?” Jaeji asked standing behind him.

He looked at her through the mirror and turned puzzled,
“and, I see your not. Are you not coming to his funeral?”

She came closer and adjusted his neck bow,
“I’m still not out of it oppa, I’ll skip it today. I need some time alone” she said and her eyes got slightly wet. He hugged her immediately and caressed her back before nodding.

“I understand Jaeji. I'm proud of you for being such a great human being. I’ll go on behalf of us, so dont worry” She pulled off and smiled faintly.

"If possible, tell him ...'I'm sorry'" She whispered and Taehyung caressed her hair gently pulling her closer and kissed her forehead.

As both went out of the room Rijin came down wearing black formals too.
“where’s Jimin?”

“He said he’ll follow us later. He was writing something, I guess for hoseok”

Taehyung nodded.

Jaeji scoffed but quickly hid her expression when Taehyung turned to her and kissed her hair.
“We will be back soon”

Rijin hugged her and the two left the house.

The moment she closed the door behind them she eyed the stairs that led to his room. Contemplating if she should go and test it out once more.

It was an hour since Taehyung and Rijin left. Her instincts about Jimin's condition weren’t ready to believe what she deduced but the chance of it not being true still lingered inside her head.

I’ll check it for myself’

She took the stairs up and stood right in front of his room, hesitating. Her mind was still battling the choices until she ultimately decided to go for it,
“Jimin?” she knocked twice and waited patiently for him to respond.


“Jimin??” she knocked again and leaned on the door but it was silent again.

She then hesitantly tried to peek through the keyhole, just then a pair of hands grabbed her behind forcefully and pinned her to wall beside.

“What were you doing” his deep voice made her shiver.

“I… I wanted to talk to you”

“Talk? To him? You mean” he said making her focus on his face more. She noticed the eyes were flashing blue and the very moment changed her sentence,
“Not him, you?”

He looked her head to toe and nodded,
“so you found out”

She nodded fearfully trying her best not to make eye contact. Because if she did then her chance of being courageous is bleak fot the power his eyes held.

“If its gonna be about how I killed him then better reconsider that. Because it might trigger me to do the same to you too”

“I know it wasn’t you who killed him” she breathed immediately making him glare at her shocked.

“I know how you kill and I even know why” she answered confidently “so this isn’t your doing”

“I hate such nosy girls you know, I can pull out the arteries from your heart this very moment” he threatened leaning closer until his breath touched her neck.

She panted in fear but her plan was still working so she continued to be bold.
“Then why don’t you” she asked making him slit his eyes in suspicion.

“Do you want me to” he asked sliding his hands down to her chest where her heart thumped, even faster now.

Her pulse was bounding through her neck and sweat trickled down her temple in fear. Her pupils dilated when his hands touched her chest and pricked through her skin slowly when,

“I can help you fight this, trust me” she offered.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now