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They went on rolling over each other and landing punches alternately trying to kill the other in the fight.

"JUNGKOOK!!! STOP!!" she yelled making him stop abruptly. He saw her standing helpless and tearing out. His hands subconsciously withdrew from Jimin and he got up.

Jimin followed and spat out some blood from his bleeding lips, gaze still burning the other man.

"Why're you making it more difficult for me" she cracked out.

Jimin slit his eyes and pursed his lips,
"Rijin ..."

"No. Stop" she gestured him with her hand "you guys have no clue how much hard you make it for me. I'm not someone's to own" she looked at Jungkook "nor I'm owing anyone a favour" she glared at Jimin.

"I'm just a normal girl who wants to live a peaceful life like others but you both-"

She looked at them with a different perspective, hatred and hopeless. They looked down in guilt as she continued.

"I tried everything I could to get you both together but..." her eyes teared out "but it's of no use, it's no use" she mumbled and went away with those last words touching the two.

Jimin stood there unable to make a move while Jungkook instinctively ran after her.

"Rijin wait!"

Jimin couldn't digest what she said,

you make it hard... it's no use... I'm not someone's to own...I don't owe anything to anyone'

The words kept replaying inside him like a enlightenment chant.

She was right. There wasn't a time they both didn't fight for her. She was also a human with feelings and choices but they never thought about respecting it.

'Im sorry. I'll never let you feel that way again Rijin. I respect you and your choices, I promise' Jimin thought.

She had walked away through the street crying out. Just then Jungkook's footsteps echoed from far growing closer. Listening to which she ran even faster and away from his sight. None to see, the street was well lit but still there was no life movement.

"Rijin!! RIJIN!!" he called as loud as possible because he was dead worried if something might happen to her again. For a reason he knew she was the next victim the kidnapper will be after and he was scared to lose her.

After some distance she realised she was going too far, then reckoning the previous attack she turned around back to the store.

"Aren't you too late to make that decision"

A man spoke blocking her way back. He looked much taller than the kidnapper and was wearing a similar black jacket, covering up his face with a mask. She immediately tried to look at his eyes for a distinction but it wasn't clear. Her throat was choking in fear and her voice dug inside.

"Wh ... who are you, what do you want from me" she whispered half.

"Tough question but the answer is easy,


He sprang forward in a split second and grabbed her collar.

She just turned to run but got caught in his grip. She struggled and fought to release his hand but it was too firm. His grip was harsh and forcefully grabbed her waist and pulled on his body to wind her inside his arms tightly like a cage.

"HELP! HELP!!!" she screamed but no one alive was seen.

This moment she wished he was there to save her, this moment she wished he could hear her shriek and struggle, even a small hint that she was here, he would come was the hope she built inside. But all of it seemed to fade when he smothered her to unconscious.

Just then a huge blow landed on his back making him fall on the ground along with her.

"HOW DARE YOU PUT YOUR HANDS ON HER" Jimin growled as he kicked his face so hard making him cough out blood.

The man groaned in pain when another hard blow landed on his stomach by another muscular arm sitting on him.

"This is for that day, and this for touching her and this for hurting her" Jungkook sat on him springing continuous punches on his face and chest.

Both beat him up until he fainted armless and still.

"I think he fainted" jimiin breathed while Jungkook immediately pounced near Rijin. She had already gone still for the smothering and her skin pale.

"Rijin! Rijin! Yah! Wake up" he patted her cheek but she had passed out so he carried her and eyed Jimin who understood without much words and he dragged the man with him.

He tied him up in a chair with chains and rods considering his physical strength. Jungkook laid her gently on the bed and draped her blanket before visiting the man downstairs.

"How is he, did he open up?" he asked and Jimin shook his head.

"Are you sure he is the kidnapper" Jimin asked cross-checking his conscious.

"Whatever he is, he tried to attack Rijin and I will blow his balls off for that" Jungkook sprang forward emotional but Jimin caught him back.

"No wait, we need to find out who this guy is" he said and slapped the unconscious man's cheek to wake him up. He moaned but didn't get his senses back.

Triinngg trriinngg

Jimin's phone rang, he received a panicked Namjoon on the other side,
"hello Jimin-ah! You guys have to come here right now"

"Namjoon? What happened? Is everything okay" Jimin worriedly looked at Jungkook as he spoke.

"You guys have to come look at this, I'll send you the location. Be there in the next 10mins, ravi also wants you here, QUICK!"

He hung the call.

"What's the matter" Jungkook asked.

"I don't know, they want us there right now, maybe they found something"

"How do we go, leaving this guy here? Jimin asked gesturing the man who was half awake.

"I'll stay back" Jungkook snapped "I can't leave rijin alone with him"

Jimin hesitated and then agreed with him before he left.

Jungkook went in rounds around the guy, looked at the door to confirm if Jimin left then he landed one hard punch again across the guy's face making him spit blood.

"ARE YOU INSANE???" he yelled holding his collar.

The guy was stuporous but managed to shake his head in reply to him,
"Bo... Boss" he whispered.


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