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He was already rolling on the ground after receiving a hard  punch on his jaw from Jungkook. He sat on him and gifted chains of severe punches.

“DARE.YOU.TALK.ABOUT HER” he yelled as he punched him furiously.

The other alerted gang members sprinted towards Jungkook to save their leader but they were stopped by a furious Jimin.

He punched one right across his guts while doubled kicked at the chest of another. Jungkook tumbled over with Wooseok and back again to punch one while the other got weaker.

Jimin tackled the two other members with only his legs, he twirl kicked on one’s face and shot a hard knee blow onto the other’s nose.

Jimin tackled the two other members with only his legs, he twirl kicked on one’s face and shot a hard knee blow onto the other’s nose

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The guy fell down bleeding from his nose and called his leader for help.

Wooseok saw his men get beaten and got up furiously after throwing away Jungkook with a kick on his head. Now it was Jimin and Wooseok who were trying to kick and punch each others balls.

All amidst the chaos, guk doo managed to slip out and took off before anyone could notice. The fight was getting brutal and bloodier.

Rijin heared about the fight and ran immediately to the spot.

Jungkook Coughed twice and got up to charge against Wooseok but when the opportunity came a few of them landed deliberately on Jimin too. Wooseok was lying on the floor almost unconscious and the scene was heated up by the fight between the two guys who were the limelight for the girls, Jimin and Jungkook.

Everyone were enjoying the moment instead of stopping them. It was indeed a thing to witness, the class president who is always righteous, sincere and a calm headed guy getting triggered for a girl. It was exciting to also watch the newbie who didn’t only look handsome but also fought handsomely, for the same girl.

“Next time you go near her I'll make sure I’ll rip your throat apart” Jimin gritted his teeth with his hand on Jungkook’s collar.

Jungkook smirked “no matter what you say or do she is mine”
Once heard Jimin furiously punched Jungkook only to get one back from him.

Just then Rijin broke through the crowd and stood shocked only to see two of her own people fight with each other than solve a fight between someone else. Her eyes widened and she ran to split them apart,
“YAH JIMIN STOP!!” She yelled trying to stop them but it fell into deaf ears.

“JEON JUNGKOOK” she shouted again but he was so keen in tearing Jimin apart but ended up only tearing his shirt. Both of them looked like they would not stop until they kill the other. 

She clenched her fist not being able to control them.
Just when she was going to do it again she saw Wooseok squatting smirking at them quarrel.

“Didn’t you start all of this” she glared at him.

“I didn’t do anything its your over possessive best friend and boyfriend's problem” he shrugged as he got up coughing out, clearly jumping out of suspicion.

“How dare you” she clenched her jaw.

“What will you do uh??” he challenged pulling her hair back.

She held his hair and pulled him around while he resisted by holding and twisting her hands back.

It was a total chaos there.

People were cheering, betting and Shouting. It looked like a market thug fight and a few students even began betting on who will get a blue eye the next day.

“STOP THIS!! NOOOWWW!!!” someone yelled making everyone stop abruptly and look at the source of the authoritative voice.

It was their head master.

Shit. We are so dead.

He looked at Jimin who was on Jungkook and then his eyes landed on Rijin whose hand was tightly clenched onto Wooseok’s hair.

Wooseok quickly came up with a plan and began crying dramaticallt,
"Please save me sir! Please save me from these monsters!! This is what I get for stopping them from fighting"

“Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin, Choi Rijin. To my office… now” he ordered and walked away angrily making everyone gulp down in fear.

All the three were now standing in front of him stiffly looking down like their heads were fixed to their chests.

What if he suspends us, oh dear then I can’t see kayei for more days! Shit!!’

‘oh no now what, I am the class president and I ended up fighting myself. God this is so stupid of me. What if he expels me and asks me to shave my hair and tattoo 'rogue' on my forehead…. Oh noooo my beautiful face’

‘I’m so done now, he’ll surely send me out of this school. Taekwoon uncle will be really angry, God! what do I do. Should I fall on my knees right now and plead?? Yes that’s the only way I keep my secret a secret’

Each one had so many possibilities of being punished in their head, but like breaking the chain the headmaster spoke out,
“I think you guys know very well about the serial kidnapping case” he started.

Though startled by his unrelated response still they nodded like obedient students.

“Where only girls are being abducted” Rijin stated.

“Yes” he nodded “I'll need you three to be a part of the investigating team from the CBI”

"WHAT!! US!?!"

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