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As requested Jaeji went with Taehyung to the cops for giving her medical help.

She looked at the photographs of the bodies they had recovered with utmost concentration.

“Did you get something?” Namjoon gave an expectant look.

She shook her head. Taehyung and hoseok were sitting beside her as she scanned the sequence of photos.

“Can you tell me how long has it been since this photo was taken”

“Today becomes the 7th day since the first recovery” Jin reported “Why, is something wrong?”

She shook her head and scratched her temple stressfully,
“This guy whoever, seems to be very diligent in disposing off the bodies”

“Yes we know that” hoseok said “tell us something new”

Jaeji sighed and nodded to search more,
“these marks were inflicted after she was killed but how has he killed her is the question”

She shut her eyes trying to compile all the information she received and thought for a while.

Namjoon pursed his lips and waited patiently until she could arrive at a diagnosis. Just then Jin observed and asked,
“Where’s Jungkook”

Taehyung hesitated while Jaeji said,
“he left”

“What? Why?” Ravi exploded.

“He thinks the murderer is after Rijin because of him”

“But why him? It doesn’t make sense” Ravi questioned.

Taehyung sighed, “because his dad tried to kill Rijin and he is blaming himself for that”

“Situations are worse than we thought” hoseok said “we already have a serial murderer on the loose and now this man wants to join him in killing?”

Namjoon nodded, “it’s okay if he wants to leave the team. He is always welcome if he changes his mind”

Taehyung nodded while receiving a hug from Ravi,
“Don’t worry. Rijin will be fine. We are all here to protect her. He needn’t blame himself about anything”

"I wish he knows that" Taehyung muttered worriedly.


She looked straight ahead at nothing as her mind drifted elsewhere. She wasn’t present mentally and that was evident in her gaze.

Jimin leaned forward and waved his hand in front of her,
“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine jimin-ah. This is the 100th time your asking me this” she said softly.

“I'm just worried Rijin” he sighed “is it because of Jungkook”

She shook her head, “It's because of me”

Jimin listened to her as she went on.

“All of this is happening because I’m the daughter of Kim hae sun” she looked down “because I'm the successor of the most successful company”

Jimin pursed his lips and turned away helplessly.

“Because I’m not Choi Rijin”

His eyes widened at her last statement,

“Yes Jimin. My real name isn’t Choi rijin”



“Wh... What are you saying?”

“Kayei, Sung Kayei is my real name”

His breathing got faster and he spaced out in an attempt to wrap this around his head.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now