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Jungkook walked out of his room to find Jaeji coming out of Rijin’s.

“Is she okay?” he asked.

She nodded silently and went away without any gesture.

He sighed and clicked the door open, peeked through the door gap to see a fast asleep girl merely alive on the bed.

“Let her sleep” a bold manly voice spoke from behind him.

Startled, Jungkook turned around and sighed relief,
“Oh yeah. Did you find Jimin?” he asked as he closed the door slowly.

Taehyung nodded,
“He’s in his room” with a straight face and turned to leave.

“Really!? Are you sure?”

“What do you mean?” Taehyung stopped at his place abruptly.

Jungkook smirked sarcastically, “lately I’m finding it difficult to meet him despite living in the same house” he scratched the back of his head, “maybe its just me, never mind”

He patted his shoulder and walked past him.

Taehyung stood glaring at the floor, he knew what Jungkook was trying to imply but held in.

‘He began suspecting Jimin’s activities. Its not safe for him at this rate. I need to get his condition fixed at any cost’


“Heyy! How are you?!” Jaehwan squeaked on phone.

“I’m fine bud. I wanted a favor from you” Ravi’s timid voice gave the feeling that something was wrong.

“Yeah anything man. What is it?” he offered.

“My friend hoseok was stabbed and killed three days ago"

“Oh no! I’m so sorry” Ken showed a mixed emotion of shock, grief and confusion in just few words.

"Yeah, but I think it wasn’t the murderer who did that” Ravi whispered.

"What!? Are you serious?"

“Yes, now I want to find out who stabbed him, it is someone close to me I know, who doesn’t want me to get the credits of finding the murderer” Ravi contemplated as he spoke.

“Hmm” Ken’s voice suddenly grew calm.

After a pause he said,
“Didn’t you say he knew Hoseok?”

“He might. Just a speculation”

“Since you say he is someone who knew both you and Hoseok personally couldn't it be your own friends? Colleagues? The Co-officers working with you, someone who might have been rough on you without any reason?...Not me okay?"

Ravi grew silent on the other side.

Ken wondered and called for him, “Ravi-ya? Are you there? Hello?”

“Yes. Yes, I’m there”

“What happened? Did something hit you?”

“A lot. I think I found what I was trying to find. Thanks Jaewhan-ah ”

“Anytime man”


“What is it” Namjoon asked looking at the disappointed face Ravi held.

"How can he do that?" Ravi spoke to himself gazing at the wall distant to Namjoon.

Jin wondered what he was saying, "sorry what?"

"It's him. Ruthless guy resorted to even killing him for his success. Shit!"

"What's going on?!" Namjoon asked getting impatient.

“I think I know who killed Hoseok”

“What!? Who?" Jin exclaimed.

“Wang Jackson”


Nothing but a bright light source flashed right on his eye. The view wasn’t clear enough but he could make out the ceiling and feel the soft bed beneath him. Just that this wasn’t his bed, nor his room, it was elsewhere.

'Where am I'

He wondered as his hands struggled to lift because they were taped to the sides of his cot. That’s when his conscious hit him hard. He was captive.

Fighting the tight grip of the tapes he twirled and twisted his wrists to give way but it wasn’t working. His legs denied to move either, even his hips and chest banded to the bed.

“What nonsense! Where am I!? Is there someone?? Please help me??” he shrieked.

The skin under the bands had turned red and scratches of them had begun to scar.

He yelled his lungs out when the door opened and a group of doctors accompanied by nurses swarmed in and surrounded him.

The oldest of them all, looking like the head began to speak slowly,
“Mr. Jimin Park don’t worry. Your in the daegu foundations hospital”

“What?! Hospital? Daegu? Why? What happened to me, why the hell am I here? I’m fine I’ve nothing wrong with me” he fought again.

“No no listen please. You were developing symptoms”

“No it’s not me, not me, it’s him. Please believe me”

“Mr. Jimin you were worsening, and your own friend admitted you here”

“Friend? Who?”

“I’m here” his voice broke the silence in the room.

Jimin’s eyes widened,


DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now