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"WHAT!? NO!! IT'S NOT TAEHYUNG, IT'S JIMIN. We have witness" Ravi yelled panicked.

"I'll explain everything when I get there but right now just give security back up at my place, Rijin is alone with Jaeji. I need to find Taehyung" Jungkook ordered and swiftly turned the steering wheel of his car and shot off into smoke in search of Taehyung.


Rijin was worried that she couldn't talk with Jimin since she gained consciousness and the little chat with him at Hoseok's murder was their last meet up. Hoping to hear how things are going she walked out of her room but ran into an intimidating Jaeji instead,

"So? Where are you running off to?" she crossed her hands on front of her chest.

Rijin fake smiled, "um... Actually I was curious about how the investigation was going. I haven't been of much help lately so I thought I'll ask Taehyung... Or Jungkook about it" she tried to cook up something satisfying.

Jaeji shook her head "You can, but not right now. Right now what you need is rest. And by the way the investigation is going fine"

She pushed Rijin from behind and jerked her inside her room.

"I'll go get some eggs to fry for lunch. Stay safe. Ill be back soon" she winked and left.

After making sure Jaeji went out of the gate she peeked up the stairs.

'I wonder how he is doing, should I go check once. Just once'

Convincing herself about not taking a bad decision she climbed up the stairs one step at a time with her hands clutched in front of her chest and lips biting nervously.

"He would surely be angry with me. I literally haven't spoken to him for days" she muttered to herself before reaching the door knob.

She stopped halfway in hesitation,
"what will I tell him? I ended up going to Jungkook despite knowing that Jimin likes me. How will I face him? What if he's already hating me? Is that why he hasn't come to see me even once?" As her hand reached out, "but he can't be like this with me for long. I've got to talk to him about everything"

Just when she was contemplating her decision the door knob opened swiftly and swung open revealing a silhouette that she probably never expected to see.

"Taehyung!?" she exclaimed jerking back in shock "what are you doing in Jimin's room?"

He flashed an innocent smile and scratched the back of his neck,
"I came to pick up a few things of his. He wasn't keeping so well recently so we moved him out"

"What?! He's sick? Again? What happened? When did all this happen? Why isn't anyone telling me anything?How is he now? Where did you take him? I want to see him" she teared.

He shook his head and smiled, "No no he's fine. We just thought we'll give him a break from all the work stress so I moved him to my aunt's house here nearby"

"Thank god! I was so worried" she sighed a relief.

"You wanna see him?" Taehyung glared at her expecting an obvious reply.

"YES! OF COURSE! But-" she paused.

"But what?"

"Jaeji asked me not to leave the house" she fiddled her toes.

"Don't worry about that, I'll inform her. I'm sure she'll be fine" he showed his box smile and grabbed her hand gently leading her out.


Jaeji collected the eggs, she even bought some extra capsicums and onions for lunch. Holding three bags and her phone she scurried her way back home. Just as she entered she called,

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now