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"Yeah it's me, why?" he asked.

"Why are you after me??" she asked in an annoyed tone.

"Okay you listen, you think your so important?? That everyone in this world is after you and the entire universe spins around you always?" he snapped.

"Hey man, that's not the way you talk to a girl" Jimin spoke up.

"Wait, I'm not talking to you okay" Jungkook back answered him "and you" he saw rijin "I can come to the trip because I'm a student here and I can sit here because it was empty"

She was dumbstruck and Jimin couldn't deny his accusations, logically he was right, they have no right to chase him away.

"If you feel uneasy then I'll switch seats with someone else, Prof Joongi!!" he raised his hand to call him but she held it and pulled down.

Jimin stopped her "are you sure rijin. We can change seats if you don't like it" he said concerned.

"no Jimin, I'm fine as long as this guy doesn't poke his nose in my business"

Jungkook smirked at his victory and glared once at Jimin before digging his earphones inside his ear and going to sleep.

It was an hour in the bus but it felt like forever because none of them had spoken since they got in, rather since Jungkook entered the scene.

But he seemed calm looking around bobbing his head to the music that played in his ears, while Jimin stared out of the window.
She looked at both back to back and then sighed in despair. After a few minutes her eyes shut on its own pulling her off to a deep sleep. Her head wobbled in an attempt to keep it straight and again wobbled back low when she slept deep.

By now Jimin had also slept in his seat leaving only jungkook awake. Just as Jungkook decided to sleep too, a hard hit banged his left shoulder. Her head had flopped down on his shoulder and she was sleeping unknowingly. He saw her once and twice seeing if she actually did that without knowledge but then his heart wavered for the desire to leave her on his shoulder.
He slid down in his seat and pushed himself more closer to her, tugging the whole shoulder under her head. She cuddled and went to sleep again, comfortably.

He loved to see the way she slept and it was even heavenly when it was on him. He smiled to himself and tilted his head on her slowly until he could land it on hers.
Just then an arm slowly held her head and smoothly lifted it off his shoulder, then tilted it to Jimin's side making her lie on his.

Jungkook glared at Jimin and received one death stare back before he could lean on her head and go to sleep well.

Jungkook burned inside but couldn't react at the moment.
'I'll kill him' he swore and turned away angrily.

The journey went smooth except for the rift between the two, they reached the trip destination with Joongi calling everyone out.

"Guys we're here, but we have to walk a few metres to the Riverside mansion, vehicle can't go on that narrow path" he clapped to wake a few up "pick up your luggage, quick"

All got up and tumbled out with their baggage, a few were still half-asleep.
Rijin was still sleeping on Jimin's shoulder only this time had cuddled into his arm for the warmth.

Jungkook had already gotten off unable to stay there any longer.

"Rijin" Jimin called softly and stroked her hair "get up we're here"

She flinched and opened her eyes to see him smiling brightly at her, she then realised that her arms were locked with his and her head on his shoulder rendering him still, immediately she released his hands and stood up.
"Oh Dear, sorry Jimin, I don't know how I fell asleep"

"Yah why are you saying a sorry, its fine to sleep, your a human, right?" he giggled teasing her and pulled out her bag from the upper deck.
She smiled at him and grabbed it while the two got down the bus. She eyed the seat beside them before getting down, wondering where the guy went.

Just as she stepped down suddenly Jimin tumbled on his feet when a man hugged and climbed on him,

Just as she stepped down suddenly Jimin tumbled on his feet when a man hugged and climbed on him,

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"wohooooo I caught you!!!"

"Taehyung??" she exclaimed happily while Jimin struggled under his weight.

"Yah! Get down I'm not that strong " he said swaying him off him.
Taehyung showed his box smile and fell to a hug on Jimin again. He caressed his hair and patted his back.

Rijin realised that her small bag was not with her, she remembered hanging it by the armrest of the seat inside the bus. She didn't want to ruin their moment so went inside to look for it herself.

She found that the rest was empty, bag was not seen anywhere. She bent down to check under the seat and even checked the back of it but couldn't find it anywhere.

Worry filled her heart and tears her eyes. It was her most favourite bag and even had her mom's photo in it and she carried it wherever she went. Not finding it made her feel like the only hope left for survival was lost.

Just when she collapsed on her knees someone gave her a handkerchief. After seeing his face she snatched it furiously and threw it down.

He then sighed and gave her a bag, it was hers. Her eyes widened when she saw it,
"how did you get it?" she let out a relief sigh.

"I think it accidentally latched to my bag when I got off and..." he came closer with a loving smile "I thought you might be searching for it"

Her eyes were wet but also happy about getting the bag back. She smiled back at him slightly,
"thanks jungkook"

"you don't have to be, it's my pleasure" he said softly making her ponder if this was the same guy who annoys her always.

"next time don't lose it ever, its your memory of her" he pointed a finger and ordered her sweetly. She nodded and hugged the bag smiling.

When she opened her eyes he had gone, he left before anyone else could notice, she looked around but he wasn't seen.

Just then jimin ran up the bus,
"rijin! What happened, I was worried when you vanished"

"nothing I left my bag here so I came to pick it up, are you guys done talking??" she asked gesturing Taehyung.

Jimin shook his head,
"you have a surprise, come down" he grabbed her hand and pulled her out.

Her curiousity met with another woman who stood beside Taehyung chatting with him. She wore a high top and half cut jeans with a beach hat and huge sunglasses. Lips painted red with long earrings hanging down making her stunning under the hot sun.

"meet Kim jaeji" jimin introduced to rijin.

"my girlfriend"

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now