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"Meet Kim jaeji" Jimin introduced to Rijin.

She saw Jimin with a brief shock, "girlfriend!?!!"

Jimin nodded proudly and pointed her to Jaeji.

"Hi" Rijin waved at her while Jaeji nodded with least concern and continued with Taehyung. Rijin shot him a what the hell was that glare.

"Hey jaeji this is my friend Choi Rijin"
Jimin put his arm around Jaeji's shoulder and introduced to Rijin,

"Ohhh! Jiminnie's friend" her tone got shriekier "You have friends? I mean girl friends? I thought I was the only one" she exclaimed making Rijin roll her eyes,
"Hai Rijin, I'm Kim jaeji, Taehyungie's sister"

"What! Sister?? You had a sister?" Rijin exclaimed

"Why shouldn't I??" Taehyung asked hugging Jaeji, "she is the best woman anyone can have a company of, she is never boring you know" he said and Rijin nodded with a fake smile.

She looked around and spotted Jungkook who stood a little far from them, digging the sand under his foot and listening to his songs on the earphone.

She pondered about asking him to join but before that Taehyung called out,
"Jungkook-ah!! Come here!!"

He nodded and came to them.
"What happened, you guys having fun on your own?" Jungkook pulled out his earphones and hugged Taehyung.

"Thank god you told us about this trip or else I would have been rotting there alone" Taehyung said making Jimin and Rijin widen their eyes in shock.

"What! He called you?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah" Taehyung nodded "He was the one who told us about this trip and that's why we took special permission to join you guys"

He then put his arm around Jungkook's shoulder,
"Anyways Jungkook this is my little sister, Kim Jae Ji, she is also joining our trip"

Jaeji had fallen for Jungkook the moment her eyes laid on him and stretched out her hand to him. He shook hands and smiled but without spending another minute there he turned away, royally ignoring her.
Rijin felt elated about that moment, someone ignoring her was like a god given revenge from her side.

'Huh! That's how it feels when your ignored' she pouted.

"Hey why are you still here" Joongi called them "Don't you wanna go to the mansion, planning to live your life here on the road?"

"Coming prof" Jimin answered and they walked together to the mansion.

It was a gloomy yet beautiful place, situated close to the banks of a river was the most prettiest villa they'd seen. It was entirely made of wood and the front garden vastly rejuvenated by the river water. Flowers were making it look like the path to heaven. The open sky above and the bright daylight made the entire place glow at its best.

"Guys all the rooms are taken because you came last" joongi shrugged "only two rooms are left" he said and showed upstairs.

"Two??!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"Let's go together, it's been a while since we stayed together" jimin and Taehyung did a friendly handshake.

"I can manage if jungkook is with me" jaeji proposed making rijin widen her eyes.

"Uh sorry dear, no mixture of genders. Strict orders from our principal" joongi refused.

"Its okay sir, me and jaeji will take the other room" rijin bowed at him.

"Where will you go" joongi asked pointing at jungkook who stood patiently waiting for all to finish.

"Um I guess I have to squeeze in somewhere" he smiled awkwardly.

Joongi pursed his lips, "Fine then you come with me"

After deciding the rooms they moved in and kept their bags.

"What do you do?" rijin asked jaeji who lied on the bed as soon as she entered.

"I'm a psychologist"

"Ohh good"

"No its not good actually" jaeji sighed in despair

"Why" rijin sat beside her.

"Because I'm an empathic being"

"Isn't that good?" rijin wondered.

"No not when your a psychologist, it can let you into trouble if you empathise with your patients"

"What can happen"

"Worse, you can get killed, in the hands of your own lunatics"

Rijin clapped her mouth, "Oh my god"

"Yeah, it's dangerous but if your under control and you know how to tackle its not difficult" jaeji smiled.

"Your quite strong mentally" she said "only if you get stronger at men" she added mumbling to herself so that jaeji doesn't hear.

"Huh? Sorry"

"Nothing, your a strong woman I meant" rijin grinned covering it up.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Rijin broke it again.
"So when are planning to leave"

Jaeji raised her brows at her,
"You want me to leave?"

Rijin then realised the tone she had used with the question, more desperate and the last wish sort of assurance. She face palmed herself and then smiled at her.

"No I didn't mean for you to leave, I was wondering for how long you'll be here" she corrected the same.

Jaeji shot her a suspicious stare,
"ill be leaving back to busan after two days"

"Oh so your leaving along with us after the trip??"

"Maybe, I'll drop off on the way. Actually I want to stay"

Rijin's heart skipped a beat, Jaeji staying back with them was the last thing she wanted. God should know the reason she was having so much loath for her.

"Your a busy girl I suppose. You must be having some work left back there" rijin planted the sentence carefully not making it too obvious of her desire.

"Yeah I have my research project to finish, I can't stay despite wanting to" Jaeji said and took out her cosmetics and began arranging on the shelf.

Rijin mentally jumped around happily after hearing her goodbye time soon.

The boys room was calm until two humans entered, one shoved the bag beside the door and jumped face flat on the bed while the other went around checking the room interior.

"Woww it's so cozy" Taehyung spoke from under the pillow burying his face in it.

"Yah you should come see this, it's so porsche" jimin said visiting the washroom.

Both forgot to close the main door in excitement.

"It's so huge, I wonder how the other rooms would be" Taehyung said.

"I know we could fit three in here easily" jimin commented

"Then I can join too" Jungkook's voice came from the door.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now