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It was the toxicology class. The professor asked everyone to assemble in front of their respective classrooms.

Rijin swung her coat and walked out grabbing a notepad and pen.
"Jimin come fast we are going to be late" she called out for him.

"Coming" he came running brushing his bushy hair back.

"what took you so long to just wear a white coat. Are you preparing for a fashion show or something" she shook her head crossing her arms.

"They already left? Then Come fast" he exclaimed and both of them ran. She knew one thing for sure that even if they were a minute late then they would be asked to stand out under the scorching heat for the whole period.

Jimin was already far ahead of her. She was a slow runner but managed to run as fast as she could as she stumbled.

Unexpectedly she bumped onto a strong muscular block in her path. She rebounded for the force and landed on her butt a few steps away. She had overlooked the huge thing in the hurry to run.

"Ow" she rubbed her elbow. Jimin had already gone inside thinking she was following him.

She looked up and glared at the block, it was a human. Not any one, it was him. Jungkook, who was now smirking satisfied at her.

"Are you okay" his taunting voice made her go red with rage and she ignored his hand that offered help.

She slapped it away and got up

"Well you didn't see when you were running, so it's not my mistake" he shrugged.

She clenched her fist in anger.
"Don't speak" she gritted and kneeled down to pick her things up.

He was about to say something but she interrupted, "You better not speak" she glared and walked away. He chuckled.

"The time is 9:05" he informed her looking at his watch.

She stopped on her track when she heard him. She was already five minutes late. No point.

She pulled her hair out of frustration,
"Its all because of you! I missed my class because of you!!" she pushed his chest back.

"Not my problem" he raised his hands.

She caught his collar forcefully pulling him close and glared straight into his eyes furious,
"What. Is. Your. Damn. Problem" she clenched her jaw.

"Ummm nothing" he said looking elsewhere.

"Next time you cross my path I'll... "

"What will you do?? Huh?" he asked teasing her and he leaned closer making her go back.

"I'll make sure you will not show this handsome face of yours out anymore or worse you can never walk your whole life and become a problematic waste sack your entire life"

He caught her collar and placed a hand on her waist pulling her closer making her immediately gasp and wither her hand off his collar.

"Do what you can. Lets see" he said keeping her dangerously close.

She tried to push him away but he resisted with confidence still smiling at her. She nudged him really hard and tried to free herself but he was too strong. He then sarcastically smiled and released her hold. She stared at him and picked up her bag, shooting straight to the library, because that was the only place she was left alone.


Luckily the autopsy professor was absent. Even though she escaped the blasting of the toxicology teacher today she got it from Jimin anyway.

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