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Rijin sat on her desk solving her homework questions while others were into discussing something very important. They had all gathered up in the middle and were mumbling but as usual rijin ignored. She wasn't attracted to such things ever since she stepped foot inside the school, rather a way to not grab attention to herself.

But curiosity caught the best of her, she peeked by the corner of her eye and tried to overhear them speak. Just when her eye-contact was broken off by a man who stood blocking her view.

"Hey! Who..." her words trapped inside her mouth.

"Someone's eavesdropping??" he asked smirking.

"That's none of your business Jungkook" she snapped and went back to solving her problems.

"Aren't you curious about what they're speaking?"

"No I'm not"

"Come on I know you well, you are curious"

"Listen, just because I opened up to you about my mom and everything, doesn't mean you've learnt all about me" she spat.

He was glaring at her.

"So don't go around with the confidence that you know me well. You know nothing"

He was shocked by her rebel but again projected his smile and looked down giggling.

"What" she saw him weirdly

"Nothing, nothing. I was just wondering how you could act so well" he raised his brows.


"See kayei, I know you well than you can ever imagine, so don't try to lie to me" he breathed and sat back.

She saw him suspiciously and sighed defeat,
"what's going on?"

"They're going for a trip by the Riverside mansion" he said.

Her eyes brightened up the moment he mentioned trip,
"Really?? When?? How?? Is everyone going? Then can I go too??"

Jungkook smiled at her excitement,
"Kayei all are going, you can go too. Calm down"

She held her hands on her chest and gave a huge sigh of relief.

"Why are you so excited, haven't you been on a trip ever" he asked

"No" she pursed her lips "it has been my wish since childhood to go on a trip with friends or family and I had neither"

He felt bad but quickly changed his attitude and pulled her hair teasing her,
"so I get to tease you more now??"

"Aah" she held her head in pain

"-To annoy you" he giggled

"Stop you idiot. It hurts" she hit him when he released his grip.

"Hey! Everything alright kayei" Jimin walked up to them.

"Nope nothing, I'm hungry. See you later baby" he winked at her and went away with Jimin shooting glares at her.

 See you later baby" he winked at her and went away with Jimin shooting glares at her

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