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"Ji-mi-nn?!" Hoseok breathed in fear, gulping and sweating. This wasn't him, Atleast not the guy he knew all these days.

"I'm not Jimin" he breathed and choked Hoseok until his throat squeezed to half its radius. Hoseok could barely breath, his eyes popped out and skin turned purple red for the carotid compression.

'I'm dead'  he thought and tried to fight him but he was monstrously strong. Like as if strength suddenly ran in his blood.

When hoseok was losing his will to fight and was about to collapse unconscious, the door slammed open and Jaeji plunged forward hurriedly and landed a huge blow to Jimin's head with a kitchen tray, making him release Hoseok and tumble down.

He turned at her furiously and that's when she noticed his eyes too.


Not just the eyes but his entire personality was different. This wasn't the man she thought was Jimin. This was enough proof to believe her suspicions.

"Was it all your doing  from the beginning, Jimin?" she asked and shut the door behind close. Amidst all this commotion she remembered to keep this a secret from the others.

"So-" he smirked "You guys were on a mission to expose me?"

Jaeji saw him confused, his voice had changed completely and his mannerisms were totally different from the usual.

"Tell me who are you?" she said maintaining safe distance from him.

"I'm Jimin. Why? Don't I look like him" He snarled.

Hoseok laid there unconscious for the neck compression and Jaeji was frightened at his replies. It raised the hair on her back and hands.

"No your not Jimin" she mustered up confidence to face him, because if this, was what she was suspecting then she was confident she could bring him back to normal.

His expression changed to a dead gaze instantly, bringing chills down her spine.

"If you don't believe me then, what do I do? Should I kill you?" he laughed frantically "and him" he gestured to Hoseok who had passed out already.

His pace moved to Hoseok and he bent low stretching out his hand.

She stunned right at her place thinking what or rather how she can convince him.
"Okay, okay! stop! Jimin. I believe. I believe its you"

He raised his brows at her confession.

"I will help you do want you want"

"What do you know what I want" he mumbled furiously and stepped towards her now.

"I can help you. Let me help you" she whispered half scared and half conflicted if she was doing the right thing. She had to make him stop or both would end up dead, that's all she knew.

His gaze turned down but quickly changed to a sinister smirk and he lunged forward to hold her neck but she swiftly landed a hard blow right on his face with the lampstand beside the door and he passed out for the hit.

"Hey! is everything okay there!" Taehyung's voice echoed as he ran upstairs. The 'thud' from Jimin's fall echoed a little louder.

Panicked at the commotion, quickly covering up,  she dragged Jimin near the bed and struggled to put him on the bed, just when another arm helped her.

"Hosoek! are you okay" she whispered looking at the half stuporous man.

He nodded, "quick we don't have time" and both pulled him together to make him lie on the bed and covered the blanket to fake him sleeping.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now