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Earlier that evening

She turned at Jaeji , smiled and went into her room.
The feeling of losing someone filled her heart with stinging despair and the empty look of the room added to her depression.

Suddenly she remembered Jungkook out of nowhere. The first person who always came to her mind when she felt low was Jimin but this time Jungkook flashed and his aggressive way of defending her followed. He never once let her alone to struggle. He sticked by her side and now it felt weird. Him not being there when she needed him the most, when everyone needed him the most.

"Does he love me so much that he decided to fight his dad all by himself?"

She laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling wondering if she was the one who ignored his true feelings all the time.

"No no" she shook her head "he lied to me. I'm not falling for his tricks again"
She braised herself and turned to one side, hugging the pillow,
"but he did that to save my life"

She became uncomfortable so she decided to take a walk and went out to the lane.

Before leaving she eyed the empty house, "are they even alive inside?? I'll text them later"

'It's cold' she thought when the hair on her hands stood up.

Her stomach growled,
"ah I'm hungry, I had asked Jaeji to pass some biscuits, god knows why they are stuck in Jimin's room the whole time" she whined "maybe I'll get something to eat in the shop down the lane. I hope it's not too late"

She kept her pace as she tugged herself inside her jacket, for the cold breeze brought chills down her spine.
She paused briefly to adjust her scarf just when she felt someone's warm breath right behind her.

Her eyes widened and she flinched before sprinting forward.
"who- who are you" Her startled voice broke out.

"Ssshhh" he placed his finger on his lips and advanced towards her. His black hoodie and black mask was all that was visible. Only his eyes that shined bright under the moonlight was sufficient enough to build fear in her stomach.

She moved back twice as farther as his.

"Huh! You know you've caused much trouble to me" he sighed in a low but seductive voice.

Her legs were feeling weak,
'this is the same guy whom I saw in our trip and in the woods'

She knew why he had come but something felt similar about him, only she couldn't observe for she was scared to death.

"why are you after me" she quivered mustering up some confidence.

He froze in his place, "maybe I'll answer that, not to you but to your bare heart" he let a sinister laugh.

She sweated but tried to cover up, gathered courage and pushed him real hard on his chest until she knew her hands would break if she added more force.

He skid back but remained stiff.
"So, your revolting, nice" he locked her hands and turned her around grabbing her within his embrace. She struggled and kicked trying to release herself but it was all useless. He was like a boulder, unshakable and unbreakable.

"leave leave!! LEAVE!!"

"Okay" he took out a knife from his pocket and held it horizontally exactly beneath her neck, held her neck with the other hand right above it. Her legs were stuck between his legs that she would fall forward if he left her.

"Shall I? Shall I leave you?" he asked and smirked.

She panted and fought his grip, squirmed and twitched, did all that she could to let his hold off.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now