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“Oh my god!! Jin! You’re a genius” he exclaimed and hugged him screaming loudly.

Namjoon and Hoseok heard him scream and ran to them.
“What is it, what did you find?”

“Look at this” Jin showed the paper, now folded neatly though a little dirty. It looked like a rose made out of paper.

“You made it to pass your time? Seriously? Out of the paper that we found as evidence???” Namjoon slit his eyes in disbelief.

“Yah! This is the evidence. I didn’t make it myself” Jin snapped “this is what the murderer had made and then dumped it in her pocket before burying it. When we found the paper it had already been crumpled but when you fold it back along the creases you get this. I was trying to figure out why he kept a blank paper in her pocket. So it’s supposed to give a clue which I guess I found” he explained making all go dumb in surprise.

“Wow Jin! Your awesome, really. I didn’t know you were so talented” Namjoon complimented.

Jin smiled and waved him away before turning to ravi, “this means that this guy has a motive. A random murderer would not leave behind traces like these”

Ravi nodded and hugged him an appreciation. Hoseok became serious and began to think what motive the murderer would have with his sister? Why his sister? Did he know her?
Thoughts flushed his head when namjoon immediately flung his phone out and called jungkook.

“Oh really? Okay we will keep that in mind” Jungkook replied and shot a puzzled look at everyone.

“Why what is it now”  Jimin asked
“Don’t tell me its another sample, I just sat to eat my chips” Taehyung fretted and pouted.

“They said that they found out what the paper was about”

“What paper? What’s happening” Rijin interrupted but Jungkook kept going on.

“It was an origami rose” he completed making Jimin and Taehyung wonder.

“Origami?? But why a rose?” Jimin wondered.

“Maybe he likes roses” Taehyung pointed.

“No , not like” Jimin shook his head his gaze fixing at something afar “its hate, he hates them. That’s why he symbolises his murders with it”

“Hey tell me what’s going on” Rijin whined.

“We found a paper crumpled up inside her pocket when we performed the autopsy” Jungkook said.

“Oh. Then maybe he wants to give some message” she said making them look at her.

“Message? Like what?”

“Like …
Whom he is going to kill next” she said

Taehyung went to stay with the others because he was feeling insecure about Rijin’s safety. He wanted to be of help in any way.

She made hot coffee and served it to him, grabbing one to herself and sat beside him on the couch giving him a curious stare.

“What?” he asked seeing her glare at him for so long.

“No I was just wondering why would you stay here? You have a huge deluxe suite for yourself anyway” she said with a tone of suspicion in her voice.

“Hmm so this girl here doesn’t want to work for me. Your already tired making me a cup of coffee? Still have lots to do. Is that why your chasing me?”

“Hey! Nothing so. Don’t assume. I was just curious to why suddenly-” she stopped abruptly and scoffed “you're such a grump”

A brief moment of silence.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now