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“Jaeji -ya!!!” Taehyung rushed to hug her.

She wore similar attractive lipstick and strongly dashing clothes like she wore during the trip.

Jimin then smiled at her and hugged her making Rijin scoff while Jungkook waved at her from afar.

“How are you??” Jimin shrieked and caressed her hair.

“I’m good. I see you're all discussing intensely” she said and hugged Rijin who returned it with a slight tint of hesitation.

“Yeah, it’s worse since we found the body of the first victim” Jimin said while Taehyung offered her some water.

“Jungkook was fully right” she nodded.

“What right? He said its for grudge” Taehyung said widening his eyes.

“Yes, that’s the most likely outcome of someone who is obsessed with his hatred to something” she glared unaware of the tension that built up after her theory
“Destroying it is the only way they resort to”.

Rijin looked down in worry while Taehyung gulped down. Jimin pursed his lips and his eyes immediately fell on Rijin, Just when he caught jungkook looking at Rijin too.

“There's nothing common between these victims. I even checked their backgrounds and personalities” Jimin added, “to see if there was someone whom they hated mutually or a mutual enemy or a mutual ex –boyfriend. But nothing”

“There is something common between them” Jungkook snapped making everyone look at him.
“It’s their perfume”

“Perfume?? What are you saying” Taehyung asked

“Yes. He is after only girls who wear this perfume. That is the only thing in common to all of them”

“Even if that's true, how can he know that unless he sniffs them everyday like their dogs” Jimin asked

“All of them bought the same perfume a week before their kidnap. He tracks them down by their purchases and the customer address they give in the shop”

“Oh my god” Rijin clapped her mouth in shock.

“Hmmm your really smart. That’s why I like you” Jaeji glued herself to him and stroked his collar seductively making Rijin open her mouth wide. Jimin raised his brows, anxious about what she was going to do next.

Taehyung quickly jumped forward and pulled her away,
“Haha, my sister is very funny”  he pulled her apart little forcefully “let’s eat pancakes. I made them for you”

“But I want to eat something else” she said winking at Jungkook who ignored her eye contact and hesitantly stepped back.

“Right, he is not edible my dear sister, let’s try something edible” he dragged her forcefully by her waist inside.


Back in the basement was the guy who was injured so gravely that his bones had cracked and he couldn’t move an inch. His chair was still lying on the floor holding him down in that position, fixed. His throat went dry for the pain and exhaustion.
He seeked for water but instead his eyes laid on a pair of huge shoes. He tried to peek at his face but it was hard from that position.

Pair of hands grabbed him violently and made him sit back normally. That’s when the guy had a good look at who it was. He would dare not speak a word against him for he was the most scary and the most demanding guy he’d known,

his boss.

“Boss!” he mumbled

“Ssshhhh ” the boss laid his finger on his lips gesturing him to keep quiet.

“Does that girl know its me?” he asked holding his collar.

The injured guy shook his head, tired to even breathe well he was hyperventilating.

He nodded with a sigh,
“Then you shouldn’t be alive so that my secret is kept safe. I let you live these many days. Consider it my last favor to you” he whispered holding the guys’s hair.

“Even Jimin knows, that’s not a good sign, I should finish you off before he finds out anything. No one should know that I was the one who tried to kill the girl”

As he spoke he pulled out a knife from beneath his shirt and in the flash of a second ripped through his carotid, splattering blood everywhere. The man bled his life out as he twitched and the last beats of his pulse died out.

He then took the blood and painted something on the wall, scratched haphazardly and smirked at it when done.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps echoed from outside, he quickly got cautious and escaped through the other door that led outside.

“I hope he doesn’t scare you” Jimin said as he turned the key in the door lock.

“I’ve seen a corpse that didn’t have a head and a cut piece-mealed body under the bridge, do you think this injured guy will scare me, huh!” Taehyung bragged as he followed Jimin after the door opened.

As they saw the dead man, bleeding out his neck, on the floor laying still, Taehyung froze in shock and Jimin gasped.

“Oh shit! What happened, you guys killed him?” Taehyung worried.

“N .. No. No… We didn’t touch him for three days now. We only beat him up but this guy’s neck is slashed, we never touched his neck” Jimin muttered anxiously.

Taehyung flung his coat away and wore a pair of gloves from his pocket. He felt the wrist of the man and then Checked his pupils.

“Is he alive?! No no wait I’ll call emergency” Jimin hurried but Taehyung gestured him to stop.

“Jimin-ah that’s troublesome to you only. They’ll take you as their first suspect ”

“What? But this guy tried to kill Rijin, he is bad. Someone doesn’t want him to reveal something about it”

“Yes but the police won’t know that, there’s no proof. All that they’ll know is that you and Jungkook kept this guy under your custody and now he is dead” Taehyung snapped making Jimin freeze in hesitation.

“Then what to we do” Jimin asked.

Just then rijin came down searching for them,
“Hey what’s taking you guys so… Oh my god!!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?? WHO’S THIS GUY?? IS HE DEAD?” she fired in terror as soon as she saw the scene.

“Ssshhhh calm down. No one killed no one here Rijin, we just found him” Jimin calmed her down and hugged her from seeing it.

Her eyes then fell on the wall,
“Jimin” she whispered making him turn to the wall too.

There it was, a message written to Rijin by the killer,


“Jeon!!?” they said in unison.

Jeon Jungkook?”

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now