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The morning sun shined brightly through the glass pane of her windows. She was awake but wanted to feel the blissful feeling until someone calls.

“Hello! Rijin! Please wake up. Its already 8 and we need to be there by 9” Jimin’s shriek was heard through her blanket from outside the door. He knocked the door and opened to find her still asleep.

She cuddled in and tucked the blanket close to her ear ignoring his call.

“Yah I'll seriously pour water on you if you don’t get up now, wait” his voice became silent and footsteps were heard stomping far. She knew he went to the kitchen,
'is he seriously gonna pour water on me?' she wondered.

She immediately got up, took the jug of water from her table side and hid under the blanket. Paying attention to the footsteps if he came up again she kept quiet and opened the jar ready to pour it on him before he does.

'Not you Jimin, today I'll make you wet' she giggled and waited for him.

As expected steps were heard and the door clicked open. But before anything more could happen she exploded out of the blanket splashing the entire jug of water, drenching the whole man including the carpet underneath him.

She jumped excitedly but froze abruptly when her eyes took one proper look at the man she just drenched.

“Jungkook??” she exclaimed and clapped her mouth in shock.

He was completely wet, hair dripping water with the look of annoyance filling his eyes

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He was completely wet, hair dripping water with the look of annoyance filling his eyes. He pushed his hair back and looked at her.

“Oh my god! I’m… I’m so sorry, I thought you were Jimin…I’m sorry” she got down the bed and picked a towel to dry but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer.

She widened her eyes and stared gaze fixed at his.

“I can be Jimin for you if it means you'll be close to me" He eyed her body touching his and smirked. "Did you have fun?” he sarcastically said “want to have more?” his voice got deeper and pushed her until her back glued to the wall with her hand pinned on it.

“Leave my hand” she threatened him but he didn’t budge even little rather squeezed it harder until her wrists ached.

Just then Jimin walked in with a glass of water,
“Hey what are you doing??” he jogged in and grabbed Jungkook’s hand forcefully. He plunged it back from Rijin but Jungkook fought his grip and held hers tightly.

“Do you really want me to leave you?” Jungkook smiled looking at her.

“Jeon Jungkook” Jimin’s voice got deeper and his stare intense "Stop joking around. You. Are. Hurting her."

Jimin forced Jungkook's hands off rijin and pushed his chest away from her.

“I thought we were fine after last night” Jungkook hissed near her ear and walked out smirking.

She slit her eyes and fired death glares at him, rubbing her hand in pain.
Jimin held her wrist gently and checked it,
"You okay??"

She nodded still glaring at the room exit where he left.

“Last night? What happened last night?” Jimin’s eyes widened at the statement and he looked at Rijin.

She shook her head and pursed her lips,
“it’s nothing. did you make breakfast?? I’m hungry”

He gave her an ‘I need an explanation’ stare but she smiled it away and pulled him downstairs with her.

They sat for breakfast at the table. She took the seat beside Jimin by default as a habit from school but this time, Jungkook, instead of taking the one opposite, took the one beside her.

Jimin shot him a look and served a bread for himself. Rijin despite being awkward with the atmosphere still tried to remain bubbly and diverted the topic,
“So, what are we doing today”

“Ravi had called, he said he wants us to go to the lab for testing the fingerprint on the phone” Jimin replied as he applied butter on his bread.

She reached for the jam bottle on the table and twisted the lid with all her power but it was jammed. She sighed and was about to bite the side to open it but a hand grabbed it from her.

Jungkook twisted the jam lid casually and she should admit his muscles that tightened on work were so admiring.

He opened it in one go and didn’t seem to put any effort about it.

“Thanks” she tried to take it from him but he pulled it back, took her bread instead and painted the jam on it. Jimin observed the whole scene as he continued to munch on his.

Jungkook then folded the bread into half and stuffed it inside his own mouth making her sigh in disbelief.

“Seriously?? You had to steal mine?” she said slitting her eyes so narrow that nothing was visible.

Jungkook kept chewing on the bread as it was mouthful so he gestured her to wait until he swallowed it and spoke,
“I didn’t steal, I opened the lid so I get to eat it” he shrugged his shoulder “hurry up Kay… Oops” he closed his mouth with a look of deliberate guilt.

She widened her eyes and pursed her lips in anger.

“Sorry. Rijin, hurry up we need to leave early right?” he smiled wickedly and got up.

Now it was only her and Jimin yet to finish breakfast.
She sighed helplessly and reached out for another bread but Jimin took that instead.
“Not you too” she sighed but he continued to apply the butter-jam on it and fed her instead.

Her mouth full of bread she munched in guilt of her own accusation

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Her mouth full of bread she munched in guilt of her own accusation.

Before leaving he leaned near her and mumbled to her,
“I’m not him Rijin” he said and went away making her regret her own judgement.

They had packed up their bags to leave, Jimin didn’t know how to drive so he allowed Jungkook to do it.

As they got in the car and everyone buckled up to leave, Jimin turned to pull his seat belt but his heart stopped for a moment at what he saw.

A man covered in all red, red jacket, red cap and weird red glasses stood just outside his window peeking right at him mysteriously.

He leaned on the door with both his hands on the glass and shot a psychic stare at all three inside the car, freezing them in fear.


DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now