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She was the last to get off the bus, it wasn't her stop but still she got down two stops earlier to escape the sly eyes that followed her.
He kept staring at her from far, starting from when she left work all the way until getting on the bus. He followed her almost everyday like he was keeping an eye on her but no known reason.

His face wasn't seen because he was dressed up in black and also wore a mask to cover his face half revealing only his sharp eyes. They were long with dark eyeliner making it scarier the more you look.

She got down in a hurry and scurried off to the side street where there was a shortcut to her place. It was rather the only path she knew from that location.

He kept matching her steps but a little farther, making sure she hadn't suspected him but it was too late.

She knew was stalking her since two days. She was panicking as her footsteps advanced.
The news of many girls being abducted ran in her head out of nowhere, the worst relations pop out when your cornered. She was frightened to death, slowly he came closer so she walked faster. The speed only increased until she was jogging through the narrow streets.

It was dark and only a few street lamps lit the area. His steps got faster and they reached to the point where she was only a few metres away from him.

Panicking she let out a yelp but there was no one to hear it. He immediately sprang on his feet and grabbed her neck from behind so hardly that her legs sprained for the sudden inertia. She fell on the ground and rolled twice until her bag and files flew away.

He captured her hands by the side and sat on her locking her tender legs with his masculine thighs.

She struggled to release herself from his grip and tried to call for help,

He smirked,

"no one will hear you beautiful, this place is the junkyard of this street and no human is seen here at this time" he whispered near her ear making her shiver with fear. She got goosebumps for the feeling of him being so close to her body.

He leaned forward and slid his nose into her neck as she turned the other way in disgust,
"you smell good" he said as he licked her neck and she shrieked disgust still fighting him off.

"Please please leave me" she cried and weeped. She begged for her life looking into his eyes, that when she realised they were blue in colour and not the grey black she thought it was from far.

"What do you see?" he asked her looking into her eyes passionately.

"Aaahh..... Uuuhhh..." she yelled out in pain when he squeezed her hands until it turned blue for the force.

"TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE" he yelled on her face.

"Bluee.... It's blue... your eyes are blue" she cried in pain as she spoke. The words were muffled under her weeping and running nose.

He smiled and bit her neck in lust. She let out a terrible scream and drew in breaths until she twitched in pain and went still after losing lot of blood.

"You even taste good" he smirked and kissed her cheek before getting up from her. He lifted her up and put her on his shoulder.

He eyed the CCTV camera that was on the lamp post there and walked away ignoring it casually, knowing very well that it doesn't work in that street.


""I know you more than yourself I'm seriously here to help you, Sung kayei""

His word replayed in her mind again and again like a broken player.

She banged her head on the pillow
'ah this is so frustrating' she whined getting up. She looked at her phone lying on the edge of her bed, she laid down on her bed and squirmed like a worm to reach it half heartedly.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now