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The last thing I remember is how I tried to sneak into Jimin's room to meet him. Why can't I recall anything that happened after that?

Faint voices perked her ear when she slowly gained consciousness.

"It wasn't a hard thing to do"
One voice spoke, muffled in the distance but clear enough for her to comprehend.

"I could have done it myself, you've only exposed me more now"
Said another in a whisper, much higher in tone than the first.

"Had you not already shown yourself to Jaeji, this work would have been easier than before"

"Don't act like it was only my fault Taehyung. Your the first one to be giving them clues about this investigation" he sighed "you began this"

Taehyung? He said Taehyung right? Is Taehyung the reason behind this? Is he the murderer?

Her attention peaked the moment she heard his name.

Yes. Now I remember. It was Taehyung. He asked me out for a walk. All of a sudden. Oh god! I should have known. I fell for his trap.

Regretting, She came into full consciousness but was barely able to move. that's when realisation struck her that her hands were tied behind her back and she was on a hard surface, probably a table, lying on her stomach struggling to breathe. Even more suffocating was the cloth packed in her mouth, that had injured her tongue and was bleeding freshly. Never the less her eyes were sealed off with a tape so hard that her eyeballs were aching for the crush.

But the pain didn't seem as important as she was concentrating on their conversation. She figured that the murderer is the other guy talking with Taehyung, but who was it?

"Did you forget that I was the one who helped you clean up all your murders?"

What?! Taehyung helped him clean up the murders? Did he cover up the murders along with him? Does that mean he knew who was the murderer all this while? He knew? And he helped through the investigation like he was an innocent?

She tried to free her hands at the least but it only hurt her more, because it wasn't just any wire but a barbed one made of steel. Every time her hands moved, the spines dug its way deep into her wrists and it bled.

She clenched her teeth bearing in the pain but she had no choice than to try.

Just then the voices got more louder and aggressive.

"What!? Did you forget what happened to our parents?" Taehyung's hard voice was recognisable.

"Not ours, mine" the other voice snapped.

This voice sounds so familiar. Why do I feel I've met this person? Who is it?
Her thoughts were now barely able to make her exhausted brain work.

"I've never thought of them as only your parents. They raised me as an equal to their own son. They were killed right in front of our eyes, by her mother and her selfish desire to rule the business world. It was the reason that split your mental state, it was the reason you became like this, remember? Her mother is the reason you became like this" he paused for a while "I will kill her for sure, and you'll do it yourself, I'll make sure of that"

My mother killed Jimin's parents? Selfish? No! Never, this can't be true. My mother never thought bad to a single person she knew let alone kill someone? But- what if that incident was the actual reason for all this? Am I the one in the blind? Or is it just a mistake? Taekwoon uncle never told me why she was killed. Was she really a bad person?

"I'll take care of that, anyway she's my meal for today, did you think I'll spare her?" The voice now snappee her out of her thoughts.

Suddenly she got more cautious.
Her? Do they mean me? Meal? Will he chop me up into pieces and feed me to some monster? Oh god! I have to escape somehow

She got restless but it was of no help because even her legs were tied to the table rendering her immobile.

Just then the voice moved closer, gesturing they were coming to her.

"I will surely torture her for all that her mother has caused to me and my family" said the unknown voice.

The more it got closer the more she felt a deja vu with it. Only now it sounded like a more deeper version of someone's voice she'd known for long.

"I suffered my whole life fighting this guy inside me" it said, more clearer being the closest to her.

"Then, don't you think she should experience atleast half of what you went through?" Taehyung said with the most cold tone she'd ever heard. For oke thing was sure, he was an excellent manipulator and had enormous command over this murderer.

"You think so?" His voice brought chills down her spine and she trembled in fear of being killed, more of, being tortured.

Suddenly a hand grabbed her hair and pulled her head up forcefully to face the ceiling. She flinched but couldn't make a sound because of the cloth in her mouth that stuck all the way down her throat.

"Are you awake?" he leaned near her ear.

Hair on her back stood up for the creepiness it carried.

This is how the others must have felt when he killed them. This is how cornered they must have been. It's so frustrating that you can't do anything despite being capable of fighting back.
And even more now it's personal, they want revenge and they have more reason to kill me by torturing me. Only if Jimin or Jungkook came to save me...

"Come on, open her ties, let she see you too. Isn't that a gift she shouldn't miss?" Taehyung said sarcastically from a little farther away.

“I guess so” the voice near her hissed and then harshly pulled off the tape covering her eyes and mouth.

She dazed slitting her eyes, now after so many hours of being tied in darkness her vision finally opened to the brightening light of the room where she was kept. Though dim it was enough blinding for her. She blinked twice and tried to get a good look at the silhouette now sitting on a chair, fairly a few metres away.

She squeezed her lids to recognise the person and realised the moment her eyes laid on his face,

“Tae… Taehyung?!” she whispered weakly.

So it was him. Ultimately he was behind all this. What a liar! That was all fake, his jokes, his deeds, his smile and all his stories were just a lie.

Just then another man obstructed her sight as he stood just before her face, in between her and Taehyung.

"Why are you doing this to her!" he yelled innocently at Taehyung blocking her from his sight.

She looked up in no hope of living, but wavered the moment she met his eyes,

She tried to reach him for help but could barely move. A flicker of hope lingered her heart when she saw him.

“Pleggh…. Pleaghhe ghaave weee” she cried knocking her head on his thigh.

He gently stroked her head making her weep more.

“Don’t worry Rijin, I'll save you” he sighed and leaned closer to her face.

Taehyung smirked watching quietly knowing exactly what he was doing.

He Lifted her chin up, her gaze meeting his up close, for a split second of disbelief she froze. His face was Jimin, but his eyes were different.

It was blue.

Exactly like the one the murderer and her stalker had.

“Ji.. Jimin?”

“Isn't this what the real Jimin would have told?” he asked dramatically pulling his lips into a cunning smile.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now