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“Jungkook!?!” she whispered and fainted the very moment of exhaustion.

He walked up front and landed one swift punch right across his face, his eyes glaring with the tears of rage.

“This will be the last time you breathe” he breathed as he lunged forward.

He sat on him and landed string of blows over his face. The guy was flustered with his fast movements that he barely had time to defend himself and just got hit.

Bleeding from his lips and nose he fought with his bare hands. Jungkook dodged all his attacks but still held onto him firmly, crashed his head right over his so hard pushing him almost to unconsciousness.

“You… are… not… going.. To...Stop… Me” he said between their attacks.

“I'll expose you today” Jungkook aimed for his mask but the guy quickly crashed the wooden plank right at his temple throwing him off his torso.

Before jungkook could get his senses back and charge again the guy had fled from there

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Before jungkook could get his senses back and charge again the guy had fled from there.

He then turned where Rijin laid, still, barely breathing and unconscious.
He crawled half and limped half to reach where she was, his hands touched hers when he realised she was as cold as ice.

“Kay! Ka... Yei” he called through all the cloudy vision he could see. He was bleeding from his ear and nose too but right now that wasn’t the concern.

She had turned pale, he took his jacket off and draped it over her before lifting her up in his arms. He could feel her heart beat faintly and body shivering in cold. He embraced her closer to his neck and chest to give her some of his body warmth.

Driving her to the hospital as fast as he could, his gaze constantly checked on her through the rear mirror because all that he ever cared about was her. He can never let her die, never.

‘I would do anything to save you Kayei ! Please be with me until we reach the hospital’ he prayed as he stumped on the accelerator.


“Jimin!! JIMIN-AHH!!” Taehyung yelled as loud as he could as he walked hurriedly through the streets, eyes looking for him everywhere.

“Ohh God!! Where did he go?” he breathed and continued to search even the tiny streets.

Just the mere thought of what his alter-self can do, sent chills down his spine and his pace got hastier.

Just then he received a call from jaeji,

“Hello !! Yeah did you find him?? Or her??” he asked anticipating a reply that's neither good nor bad. Atleast he hoped it shouldn’t be death message from any.

oppa, they’re home”

“What!!? Really? Great great I’m coming right now” he hung it and marched back home in happiness.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now