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“Now, why is your dad killing all of them” Jimin sat opposite him and focused on interrogating him at the moment that he even ignored the presence of Rijin and Jaeji who were terrified at the circumstances.

“Tell me. Is it like how you told a while ago, psychopathy and killing cause he hates them”

Jungkook shook his head, “My dad was not that bad. I’ve seen him through his rough times and during the most hard moments of life. He never thinks of taking someone's life though he talks often about killing everyone”

All now listened to him carefully, Taehyung didn’t know if he should believe in him anymore or trust what he says, Rijin was just dumbstruck at his betrayal, Jaeji looked flustered too and her psychological instinct told he was speaking the truth.

“He has threatened many in the business world including Rijin’s mom but I don’t think he would get this far to get what he wanted. He has been ambitious but this is getting worse than an obsession”

His eyes were wet and he tried to hide his emotions.

Jimin slit his eyes,
“How can we trust you” he leaned closer “what if all of this is another act you're playing like all these days”

“I’m not lying. Trust me. If I was involved I wouldn’t have saved Rijin twice from my own dad’s men”

“Men??” Taehyung exclaimed “so you mean there are more”

Jungkook nodded,
“But after beating up his guy he would probably come for it himself. He hates inefficient people”

Jimin sighed and leaned back in disbelief,
“I don’t feel good about this now”

“I’ve been trying to save Rijin indirectly, every time my dad sent someone to kill her I revert them away saying I would do the job instead but that is only to give a false hope to my dad. So that he stays quiet”

Taehyung sighed and nodded while Jaeji patted Rijin on her shoulder seeing her stand shocked.

“He is not lying. He’s saying the truth” Jaeji mumbled making everyone look at her and back at him.

Jungkook gave Jaeji a smile but his gaze drifted to Rijin standing beside her. He knew she deserved an explanation after all this. He literally betrayed her by gaining her trust, he should earn it back.

It was half past midnight and everyone had gone to sleep for the exhaustive day they’ve been through. Jimin and Taehyung were sharing a room. Both of them locked each others hands and slept cuddling with each other like babies. Jungkook never liked staying in the same one as them. Jaeji and Rijin were staying in one room, she slept long ago because of her jet lag but she noticed that the bed beside her was empty. Rijin was out of bed. She couldn’t sleep.

“Are you still contemplating if he is good or bad?” Jaeji asked from beneath her blanket after feeling Rijin’s anxiety.

Rijin sighed but replied nothing.
“listen Rijin” Jaeji sat up and held her shoulder “he was not lying when he spoke down in the hall today and I’ve seen his eyes when he talks about you, they sparkle”

Rijin looked at Jaeji.
“I think he loves you Rijin, truly” she patted her “you can trust him”

She went back to bed after receiving a smile from Rijin. But Rijin could still not stop thinking about it.

‘My life has always been a mess, no one ever cared if I lived happily or if I really wanted something. It’s always been for money if they act well to me’

Thoughts ran her mind as she took a walk to the balcony.

‘the only people I trusted after so many years was Jimin, Taehyung and…Jungkook though he wasn't too sweet to me in the start but he was never too mean either. But I thought it brought some light to our relationship'

Her eyes became wet by the thought of him being secretive about his dad.

his dad was always behind my mom and me for the partnership but does he hold that bad a grudge against our family that banishing my mom wasn’t enough? He now wants to kill me too?’

Her footsteps took her away unknowingly out to the garden.

‘Jungkook knew all this all while yet he didn’t speak a word about him. What if his dad is the killer?? What if Jungkook is an accomplice to him?? Or maybe….he is not’

Her eyes fell on a man who was lying down on the grass staring at the sky.

‘maybe he did try to save me from him like he said. Probably I’m just over thinking about him. What of he’s not that bad’

Her judgement drifted. Once her eyes lay on him her heart took over her brain, a speck of trust planted in her. He noticed her come and closed his eyes, deliberately.

“Now you're avoiding me?” she said as she sat beside him.

“If I avoided you earlier all this wouldn’t have even touched you” he said smirking sarcastically.

“So you do regret what you did?”

“I always regret Kayei. Always. For meeting you in childhood, for making friends with you, and now -
for loving you

She gulped down and cleared her throat at his confession.
“That’s not what I meant”

“Yeah I know. I’m just trying to make myself feel more guilty for putting your life in danger, So that I’ll be strong enough to leave you”

“You're leaving?! Why?”

“No Kayei. This is the only way I can keep you safe. The more I’m with you my dad will track you down easily. I can’t let that happen” he woke up and sat “I can never lose you again”

He cupped her cheek and leaned closer to her face. She looked at him pity fully and his gaze filling with regret and guilt.

There was something more to it. Love, the love he had for her showed in his eyes.


“I will never lose you again”  he whispered as his soft lips touched hers stopping her words abruptly and stayed for sometime.

She didn't want it to be over, Her heart pounded and she gave in for the kiss. She jolted forward to get immersed in him without her control. Just when she felt this could last longer he pulled back and got up.

“I will keep you safe by staying away from you Kayei. I promise”

She pursed her lips and held his hands but he slid it away.

“Jungkook” she called gently but He didn’t look at her even once before marching away.

She now realised he wasn’t bad but only a victim to his dad’s compulsions as a tear broke and rolled down her cheek.

She began to believe that he wasn't the murderer but little she knew that trust is the key to betrayal.


A/n : hello! I know I haven't spoken much in this book but here I say, this is not what you expect. :-P

Don't believe the man you think you know. ×_×

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For those who have read it till here, my heartfelt thank you and I also request to keep reading. Your support keeps me motivated. To all those lovely readers,
Love you 'all❤️💖😘

With love

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