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“I loved him?” she mumbled in confusion and couldn’t take another step forward. Her head was now filling up with all sorts of questions.

He left her standing there alone, making her ponder about what he said.
is he saying that to make me like him? Is it another trick of his or does he mean it’


The evening was over and they had to leave the next morning back to their university. She hadn’t seen him anywhere since the talk. He was usually the type that left without saying but now it made her anxious. He was depressed about she not caring for him and if that was the case then he could do something stupid.

Her body gave her chills the moment she thought of that possibility.

‘oh no, what if he’s...’ she immediately flung her coat and strolled downstairs.
Timing perfect she bumped into Jimin who was walking upstairs to his room.
“Hey, where are you going” he asked.
She was caught red-handed. Now what.

“Umm I’m going to meet Jaeji in the garden, she said she wanted a walk with me”

Jimin pouted and nodded, “Okay I’m going to sleep. Be back soon we are leaving tomorrow early in the morning, you know right?”

She nodded and smiled.

“Should I wake you up?”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll wake up myself. Is Jungkook okay?” she asked hoping he would say he is in the room.

“Yeah he looked okay but I don’t know where he went. Why?”

“Oh dear! Okay I need to go, I’ll see you later. Bye Jimin” she ran off.

Her running away so hurriedly made him suspicious, because she practically didn't like her much.

She ran to the garden and checked to find no one there. She then checked the terrace where he met her, hoping he would be standing there like heroes of old movies, but it was a wrong call.

She then went out of the mansion in the worry of him running away somewhere.

Oh no I should’ve said something, Atleast apologised. Now is it my fault? Where did he go?’ she prayed as she jogged prying.

Just then the sound of twigs breaking echoed behind her.
She turned but nothing was seen. Bad that it had already turned too dark because it was almost midnight and the moon light was dim since it was near no moon.
A little scared her footsteps got clumsier and she walked hurriedly now, barely knowing it was the opposite direction to the mansion.

She knew it was stupid to run more far but that sound came from right behind her making her run as far away from it at the moment.

At one glance she saw a man standing with a hoodie, all black, striding towards her. She knew she was targeted and it wasn’t a wild animal or anything but a man.

She ran as fast she could, her legs taking in as much energy as they can left from her body, her brains had nothing to use so they stopped working. She didn’t know where she was going but all that she knew was she should run.

His pace fastened and he began chasing her, she was terrified and let out a shriek.

“Nooooooo!!!” her legs gave away but a pair hands held her from falling.

She looked up,


DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now