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Kayei!!! Come here!!!” she heard someone call her. It was a kid who had a messy hair and big nose. His doe eyes were sharp and the gaze of happiness drenched it.

She ran to him in excitement, she felt the happiness of meeting him, maybe she knew him or he was her family, she didn't know yet.

“Come here, let’s go to the park” he pulled her hand and she ran alongside laughing with him. He looked more like family but couldn't recognize for some reason and she felt she was safe with him. She wanted to be with him forever but slowly it faded. Her laughter never sounded so full and euphoric, his gaze vivid and sparkling as they both ran holding each other's hands...

The vision faded into a hole of nothingness.

She was tearing out as she slowly opened her eyes from the dream that entangled her conscious. Her head was aching but she managed to sit up.

“Uh… where am I” she mumbled as her sight fell on the room she was in. She was on a bed that she hadn’t seen before and the room looked new.

“Did someone kidnap me??!” her mind went on a toss, that’s when she realised what she was doing last and where.

“Oh god!! Did he kidnap me??”

“YES” a voice came from the door now and it opened to reveal a man.

“Jungkook!?” she exclaimed

“Yes, kidnapping is true" he came forward and was carrying a breakfast tray in his hands, “but not him it was me”

“Why would you kidnap me” she asked in an annoyed tone.

“Huh… I didn’t kidnap you kayei, you fainted” he sighed and placed the tray in front of her “eat up”

“I’m not kayei, it’s Choi Rijin” she gritted her teeth.

“Okay sorry, Miss. Choi. Ri. Jin” he rolled his eyes.

“What happened”

“I don’t know, I was thinking I'll ask you that” he sat beside her and stirred the soup on her tray for her to drink.

“I don’t know, I don’t remember exactly. Wait! Where’s minah? Did we find her?? Where are the others, Jimin? Ravi?” she straightened up.

“Oh! Take it slow, we couldn’t find minah. But we got some clue leading to the murderer” he said sadly.

“Clue?? What?”

“We found her broken phone, we tried to fix it to get the last location recorded or atleast something in the call log but nothing could be traced. Still we gave it for some fingerprint analysis” he lifted a spoon of soup gesturing her to drink.

She looked at him worriedly and sipped in the soup.

“Where’s Jimin” she spoke still fighting the heat of the soup on her tongue.

“He’s downstairs. The Dumpling is fuming” Jungkook mumbled.

“What! Fuming? You mean he's angry, Why?” she asked “did you fight with him??” she slit her eyes in suspicion.

“Come on, you think it’s my all time duty or something? I have no interest to fight with a dumpling” he said but suddenly lowered his gaze after seeing her angry look.

“Then why is he angry”

He looked around him, “Its my home your in right now. Do you get it” he asked her gesturing her to realise that this wasn't where she was supposed to be according to Jimin.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now