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"It's me, Jungkook. I wanted to tell you the truth about something" He heaved, "It kept bothering me all while but I never really had the courage to confess"

Jimin wondered as he rolled his eyes curiously. He didn't even flinch and continued his act of being asleep.

"You must have heard of my dad, Jeon Ilhoon. He is a big shot in the business world. There was a rumor that he had an illegal relationship with some lady outside his marriage. I never believed it at first but then I had to when he confessed this to me himself"

Jungkook went on without even a little hesitation. He knew that if he missed this chance then probably he'll never be able to look him in the eye and say it.

"But later the news spread like fire and that ruined his reputation. But the woman never once regretted being with him. She was forced to blackmail him with that relationship. So my dad ended up burning her whole house down"

Jimin's hands curled up in anger. He knew where this lead to but he didn't want him to stop.

"That woman is none other than your mother, Jimin-ah. My dad never knew she had been raising two kids in the same house. He acted out of anger and pure impulse. He feels sorry for what he did"

Jimin's throat went dry and his anxiety built up that he was shivering under his blanket now.

"Jimin-ah, but once he knew the two kids were alive he had been tracking them and helping them with whatever help he could. Your medical expenses, Taehyung's education in medical field, it wasn't some random charity. It was my father's education trust" He paused "but i know all that wasn't enough to at one for his son" Jungkook was at the verge of crying as tears pent up in his eye.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I was indirectly the reason for how broken you both lived all while. I was indirectly the reason for all this that happened. Taehyung-" He teared "I didn't know the other guy was Taehyung but when I realised the truth, a lot happened and I didn't think. All that mattered to me was to save Kayei"

He sniffed in, "So please don't die and come back alive. Please don't make me feel even more guiltier than I'm feeling now"
He began to weep sitting beside him, holding the bed by its arm and head dropped low.

Jimin cried as he heard him confess. There was no point now. Nothing at all. Everything was over, his struggle, Taehyung's death, everything was past. There was nothing he could do to make it come back.

"How's Rijin" he mumbled from beneath his blanket making Jungkook freeze in shock.

"Huh? What? Oh Rijin. Doctor said she's fine. She'll recover soon. But you..."

"I'm fine. Just take care of Rijin. If she ever meant that much to you that you put your life in line for her then you better live up to it" Jimin got up and glared at him, "that'll be the only way you pay me back"

Jungkook sniffed and nodded at him.


The morning sun blazed its way through their windows as the spring crawled over to summer.

Rijin walked her way to the kitchen and placed the pan on the stove for making pancakes.

"Oh there are no eggs" she looked around and checked the fridge.

"Hmph... Hmph" someone cleared their throat behind her.

She smiled brightly when her eyes laid on him,
"That's why we should have an understanding boyfriend" she jogged to a cute hug on him.

He hugged her back and gave her the pack of eggs he brought from the store.

"Cooking without the expert huh?" Jimin's hard yet nasal voice echoed as he got down the stairs.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now