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Jungkook laid on his bed, deep in thought,
'he had the locket on him the other day, then how do I have one too? Whose locket is this'

He dragged open the draw in his bed table and pulled out the locket.

'If it isn’t Jimin then whom? Whom does this one belong to'

He clicked it open revealing two faces. They were babies.

Constantly opening and closing the locket his mind began to solve many unanswered questions.
'If this wasn't Jimin's locket the other day, then whomever this locket belongs to is who kidnapped minah. Probably even killed Hoseok. 'Is it your brother? Did you have a brother? Or- someone more closer than that?'

Tinnngg donngg

He walked down to get the door but Jaeji was already at it. She collected what looked like a parcel and turned to him.

He gave a suspicious stare until she stretched it out to him,
“Its for you”

“Me? From who?"

“I don’t know” she pursed her lips “nothing's written on it”

“Thanks" he said and turned around but she held his hand back.


Her toes fiddled and she constantly looked down in guilt.

He stood abruptly and looked at her.

“If... If someone did something wrong, would you forgive them if they’re close to you? Will you give them a chance”

"Sorry? What's up with the sudden life lesson classes?" he chuckled but her straight face and stoned expression made him realise she wasn't joking.

She gave him a sincere look but also the fear of being exposed creeped up her throat.

He glared at her and slowly slid her hands off,
“It depends on what kind of mistake they’re making”

He said calmly and went upstairs leaving her clueless about what his meaning of forgivable are.

He made sure to lock the door after coming in and sat on his bed, placing the parcel in front of him. He thought twice before ripping the paper apart. A hand written paper fell out of it with an envelope enclosed in it.
The moment his eyes read the paper he knew who the sender was.

It read

I think I was always hard on you ever since you were a kid. I never wanted you to leave but only tried to make you strong and successful as an entrepreneur. But if it means you abandoning your own father and his world then none of this means anything to me.
Take my word for the safety of sung kayei. I shall not harm her. But if she is a threat to your future then I shall not sit idly by either.
Since you were searching for the real murderer, I thought this would be of some help. Even your dad was finding him, through his ways, to help you, this envelope has those details I found about the murderer.
Thank you for trusting your father.
Take care.

Jungkook smiled faintly relieved about his dad’s realisations of his mistakes.

He opened the envelope dropping a photo and a visiting card from a company.

He picked the photo up. It showed a kid, probably in his teens, holding a cotton candy and smiling at the camera.

Something grabbed his attention from the photo.

'This kid resembles the one in the locket' he thought to himself.

Immediately he opened the locket and compared the two faces. The kid beside Jimin in the locket and the one in the photo were similar rather the same. Something felt very familiar about that kid.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now