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Jimin and Taehyung proceeded with the call from namjoon. Despite being too early in the morning they decided to have a look at the autopsy findings.

Investigation was a priority too. So they left to the camp site as soon as they could.

"Isn't this too untimely for an investigation, I mean we must be bothering them Jimin" Taehyung worried as they drove in their car.

"Nothing is untimely in crime investigation Taehyung-ah, nothing is bothersome when it comes to evidence collection. We should know that before we begin" Jimin said.

They expected the officers to be resting in their camp van with the body placed inside an icebox or something, waiting for them to come but to their dismay all the four were awake, busily moving around.

Jin and Hoseok were looking at the corpse's toes and fingers while Namjoon was staring at the monitor screen with utmost concentration.

"you came!" Jin exclaimed after seeing them.

Jimin nodded as he took out a pair of gloves,
"we were held up because of some issue, sorry"

"No it's ok" Hoseok gestured them the way and stepped back "we were trying to spot some struggle marks in her body"

Taehyung turned to Hoseok,
"any luck"

"Nope, she seemed to be very calm and in acceptance to whatever he has done to her. There were no signs of struggle at all"

Just then Namjoon walked in,
"because these damages were inflicted after she was killed"

"What?" Jin's eyes were widened.

"Yes" Namjoon showed them the printouts of the pictures he took.

"Do you see these marks, they were caused after 2 hours of her death"

"This guy must be loving to live with the dead" Jin snapped "I even doubt he is human, maybe he is some lurky ghost going around taking revenge"

"Freaking psycho" Hoseok cursed gritting  his teeth.

"Exactly" Namjoon pinned his finger on his chin "he is not of a normal mental status, these characteristics define someone of a deranged mind, clearly"

"If so, then tracking him down makes it even harder" Jimin raised with a doubtful expression.

"Yes it's hard as forensics expert but not as a psychiatric expert??"

"Psychiatric!??" jin exclaimed "now where do we find a psychiatrist?"

"I know where exactly to take you" Taehyung smirked.


Jaeji was helping rijin in the kitchen, making dumplings for the rest of them.

"Wait a second, where are the guys" Jaeji paused her actions briefly.

"Jimin and Taehyung haven't come back from the autopsy since last night" Rijin poured the batter into a bowl for the dumpling.

"What about my angel hero" Jaeji asked about Jungkook with sparkling eyes.

Rijin pursed her lips, "Maybe in his room. I haven't seen him since last night too" Her words left uncomfortably.

'He won't be shut up in the room for so long, is he okay??' her thoughts of him from last night flashed in front of her eyes 'by now ge would have dressed up like a party and made me jealous atleast once with Jaeji'

She felt anxious at just the thought of it.

"Hello, how is it up there????" Jaeji waved her hand in front of Rijin's fixed eyes.

"Huh? Where?"

"Up there in your dreams, you just went there now, right?"

"Sorry Jaeji. What were you saying"

"I was asking if you added oil to the batter"

"I...Think so" she grinned awkwardly.

Just then the doorbell rang and Jaeji went to receive it.

"HellooooOooO sister" Taehyung hugged her while Jimin's eyes fell straight on Rijin.

She waved back as Jimin hopped to her.

"Guess what I'm making Jimin???" she wiggled her eyebrows. He pondered.

"I don't know... a pudding??"

"No! I'm making you! Dumplings!" she chuckled making him pout with a puppy face. She giggled as he ruffled her hair affectionately.

They all sat around the table when Rijin served the dumplings they made.

Taehyung took one in his hand and brought it up in front of his face. He looked at Jimin who was beside him and then back at the dumpling. He did this again and over again.

"What are you seeing??" Jimin asked scrunching his nose.

"Oh my gawd! Jimin-ah! I found him" Taehyung exclaimed in his deep voice.

"Whom???" Rijin asked confused while Jaeji sat silently knowing what her brother was upto

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"Whom???" Rijin asked confused while Jaeji sat silently knowing what her brother was upto.

"I found your twin brother" Taehyung fake cried showing him the dumpling.

"Yahhh!!" Jimin punched him on the side.

They all gave a laughter when Taehyung realised the table missing one person.
"Hey where's jungkook"

"Why should we care" Jimin snapped and stuffed a dumpling into his mouth.

Rijin immediately glared at him and shot a worried look back at the stairs from where his room comes. He sighed deeply after seeing her.

"Fine, I'll go check" he got up.

As the room door remained shut he knocked to hear no response. He felt suspicious and banged twice a little harder, just in case he was asleep. He knew that the whole world might turn upside down but it would never wake Jungkook up.

After sometime doubt spiked the hair on his hands and he called while he attempted to break the door open.


Immediately alerted, the three ran upstairs wondering why he was freaking out.

"Taehyung-ah I think some thing is wrong. He is not opening the door"

Taehyung, confused, saw him break the door and helped him break it.

Rijin and Jaeji stood transfixed at the commotion. Rijin only prayed he was inside, well. Him being in some worse condition because of her was the last thing she'd hoped for. Thoughts about him leaving and how dedicated he was to her, made tears flood her eyes by the time the two broke the door hard.

With one last powerful hit together they broke it into two planks apart and rushed in but,

“Jungkook?!?” both called in unison but only one voice spoke after seeing the room empty.

"He left" Rijin breathed.

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now