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Jaeji kept staring at into empty space sitting on the couch when Taehyung sat beside her drinking his coffee.

"How many are there?" he asked without even looking at her.


"Stars, how many are you seeing" he asked making her snap back into reality.

"I wasn't dreaming oppa"

"Then what do you call this when you sit idle for about an hour ignoring your brother beside you".

She winded her arm around his neck and smiled cutely,
"oppa I can never ignore you. Guess why"

"Why? is it because I'm so attractive. Haa! I know girls go crazy over me"

She scoffed "Well I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea but unique creatures can't be ignored you see" she finished making his smile disappear in a moment.

He pushed off her arm and turned to the other side angrily.

"Am I wrong?" she asked leaning forward smirking but he quickly pulled her on his lap and tickled her until her defenses wore out.

"Okay okay I give up I give up... Stop" she cried laughing when he finally backed off and laughed too.

Just then she noticed his bare neck,
"Hey where's your pendant?"

He looked at his chest,
"Oh your right. Where did it go? Did I leave it in my room?"

"What?! Room? You never leave it anywhere oppa. How can you leave it in your room. Are you sure you even took it off your neck?" she asked looking around the couch where they sat.

"Yeah I never took it off, then-" he cupped his face with an utter shocked expression "Did I lose it!??"

She pursed her lips, "Find it or mom is going to throw a fit"

He fell into deep thought wondering where he could have possibly dropped it because he barely remembered the last time he saw it on himself.

Just then Jimin came downstairs,
"Hey! what's going on" he asked looking at them discuss with a straight face on.

"Nothing" Taehyung replied "why are you out of bed"

"Taehyung-ah I can't trust you with cooking. I wanted to check if you're poisoning all of us in the name of cooking" he teased and sat the other side.

Jaeji became uneasy at the sight of Jimin. Taehyung noticed and snapped her back to reality again,
"Hey are you okay? Your zoning out a lot recently"

"Uh yeah oppa. I'm fine. No no I wasn't zoning out, just fangirling the most charming man I've missed these days" she said eyeing Jimin who casually gave her a stare and went to grab Taehyung's coffee cup.

"Guys could you come here? I guess I found something about Jungkook" Rijin yelled from his room. The three exchanged looks and immediately trailed to his room.

"What is it Rijin" Jimin asked curiously as she handed out a paper from his table.

It was handwritten, by Jungkook and probably kept hidden from them judging by the location she found it from.

"It was lying in his bottom drawer, this one is tight and needs a lot of strength, I accidentally found it when I was cleaning up" Rijin said showing the letter "the drawer was left open now, that's how I found it"

Two criminals not one
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It made everyone wonder what he was upto when he wrote it.

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