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"I can help you" she offered.

He raised his brows and let out a scary smirk. She now glared at him with complete bravery.

"I know the way to heal you trust me..." he grabbed her neck and slowly pulled her higher. She dangled in his grip mid air and coughed like she was never gonna complete a breath. Her vision began fading slowly and she started seeing things that were never there.
Her mom, her dad and now even hoseok were all seen in front of her. Just when her eyes rolled up in hypoxia he suddenly released his grip on her and stepped back.

She dropped down on the floor like a lifeless doll, coughed and coughed, breathing as deeply as she could to compensate for the lack of air.

Only then she noticed him behaving differently, he banged his own head multiple times and slapped the floor uncontrollably like he was trying to bear something. His eyes flashed blue and back to their original as he fought within himself.

"Jimin!?" she called worried and crawled to him to calm him down but it wasn't a match even.

His movements were huge and he held his head before crashing his knees on the ground.

"AAAAHHHHHH!! MAKE IT STOP!!!" he yelled.

She stood afar in fear and confusion. Her will to help was overtaken by the fear his sudden mood swings were causing. She stood helplessly.

Suddenly a hand grabbed him from behind and secured him tightly in his arms without letting him move.

"JIMIN-AH!! JIMIN!!!" Taehyung growled near his ear and spoke firmly to make him listen to him. Jaeji stood transfixed at how her brother handled him, as though he'd done it a million times before.

Jimin still struggled in his arms, he flinched and twitched for the pain that now pricked every inch of his body,
"AARRGHHH!" he let out a yelp.

"Jimin-ahh!! Think about them!! Think! Come back come back!! Wake up you brat!" he yelled and locked his hands tightly in front of Jimin's chest rendering him immobile.

Jaeji cried and trembled at the sight of how he struggled to fight this all by himself. She was shocked to see how Taehyung went near him without fear.
'How did he not get scared? Has he seen this happen before?' her clueless expression projected the questions that ran in her head.

Taehyung still held him low and suddenly turned at her,
"Get rijin and keep her outside until I say"

Jaeji froze unable to process what he meant.

"GO NOW!!!" he yelled startling her and then she ran out of the corridor down to the main door. She saw Rijin slowly get down the car with her bag, suddenly she sprinted to her after hastily wiping away her tears and adjusting her dress collar to cover up her mark.

"Jaeji! What happened?"

She took a moment to think of an answer and grinned abruptly,
"can you join me for a walk Rijin, I feel stuffed"

"Huh? Just like that? Okay but wait, let me keep my bag inside and come"

"NO! I mean it's okay let's just go" she grabbed her arm and pulled her away from their house, only if she knew where she was taking her to.

"Listen listen, you have to control yourself, breathe breathe" Taehyung breathed into Jimin's ears and his voice miraculously calmed him down. He grew silent and went floppy in his hold. His eyes were half shut and the blue tint vanished like smoke. His breathing turned normal and his consciousness lost. He was so exhausted that he had fainted yet again in his friend's arms.

Taehyung got down the stairs after putting an unconscious Jimin to sleep in his bed. He saw Jaeji waiting, anxiously paving up and down in the hall.

As soon as she saw him she came running,
"Oppa! What happened is he okay?"

DECEPTION - JJK/PJM FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now