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"Do they not know you called me here?" Hoseok asked as they went upstairs.

"No, no one knows" Jaeji spoke as she lead "And I don't want to either until I confirm"

"I only told you what I saw, I know I wasn't hallucinating what I saw. But lets not act without confirming it. "

"Just let me see it for myself once" Hoseok nodded suspiciously at her.

Jimin was sleeping in his room, he woke up swiftly when he heard them come closer to his room.

Knock knock

"I'm awake come in Jaeji-ya" he called her in.

To his surprise, Hoseok followed after her inside.

He smiled and hugged him,
"HYUNG!! How are you!?"

"I... I'm... I'm fine Jimin-ah " Hoseok stammered a little as he tried to phrase the right sentence.

"Oh! are you angry I yelled at you? I'm sorry hyung. Come on hyung it's your younger lovable brother, won't you forgive his mistakes" he hugged him warmly making Hoseok fake a smile and pat his head.

"How are you, I look a lot sick. Something wrong lately??" Hoseok asked.

"I'm fine hyung. Nothing is wrong with me."

"I see" Hoseok sounded dissatisfied yet went along with the flow.

"He has come to visit you" Jaeji interrupted making Jimin glare at her.

"Could you leave us alone for a minute" he asked her politely.

She nodded and gestured a nod to Hoseok before leaving.

"Hyung sit down. Tell me, what's the matter" he sat beside him concerned, "did you find something about Minah?"

"No" he hesitated as he continued "but... but I found something about the criminal" Hoseok had seen it happen once but only never paid keen attention. To confirm it, is why he had come alone when Jaeji told him about this. He thought if this wasn't true then there was no point calling the rest of them and causing uneccessary confusion.

"Oh what?" jimin snapped him out of his thoughts.

"That... actually-"

"Its okay tell me hyung" he shot an expectant look "I can do anything to catch him"

"He has some weird eye colour" Hoseok began "it's sort of.... Blue" he finished frightened to complete.

Instantly Jimin's face flushed red and his gaze got intense,
"who told you that hyung?" he asked but only in a deeper tone of voice making Hoseok flinch.

"I heard it from someone and thought...You-You could help" he stammered.

Jimin immediately turned his face the other way and breathed uneasily,
"No hyung nothing like that. Its just a rumor" he said firmly but his voice quivered.

Hoseok leaned to look at his face but he'd turned the other side, like he was hiding something,
"Jimin, did you know this from before?"

"No. I don't know anything"

"Then how are you so sure that this is a rumor?" Hoseok mustered up confidence.

"I said it was a rumor! So stop wasting time on useless pieces of clues" his voice got more authoritative and he began to speak informally.

"No Jimin, I think that is true. People are saying a few of them even saw it with their own eyes"

"Crap! It's a lie!" Jimin got up uneasily and pushed his hair behind nervously like he usually does.

Hoseok stood up too and went closer to him,
"Its for sure that it is true and I'll make sure that I kill him" Hoseok finished but before realisation hit him, a huge arm locked his collar and pushed him back so hard that he plunged backward and slammed his head on the wall behind him.

Both the arms were holding his shirt so harsh and in the moment of a breath he saw his face and froze at the sight.

"Jimin??!" he breathed fearfully.

There stood the impulsively furious man with both his arms locking Hoseok 's neck and his gaze shining the rage at him,

There stood the impulsively furious man with both his arms locking Hoseok 's neck and his gaze shining the rage at him,

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only this time his eyes turned color and now they were,

shining blue.

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