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Hey loves, Juliet here!


First, i'd like to thank whoever's reading this, thank you for taking your time and reading my story.
Just some generals to know before we get into, this is not my first fanfic, however this is my first one in English, 'cause it's my second language so there will be some mistakes, sorry in advance.

Also, this story has been in my head for about 7 years now but I never got around to do it.

Which leads me to my second point, this story is gonna head start way back in 2010 and it's gonna transition, I'm not really sure until what time period I'll set it to end. So we might be here for a while and I'd like to warn you that there will be many time jumps in the story.


I intend to include some mature content so this will be my only warning throughout the book. Read at your own risk.

That being said, I'd also would like to state that there will be topics involving the characters religions and beliefs and by writing I do not intend to offend anyone, this will not be my point of view, just a simple fabrication of my approach on the characters in this book.

This story is a hundred percent product of my imagination and although many of the characters of this book are real life people, this won't be my opinion on them, I'm simply personifying them for the sake of this story.

I will not allow any copies or translations to this book, so please don't take credit for it.
I do not condone hate in any way, shape or form, so tpwk.


Every famous person in this book will be playing themselves.
I decided that I won't be casting anyone for the main character, yet.
I have someone in my mind that I may use if I choose to include some manips for the benefit of the book and its reading. Although, I'll provide simple description of her face and features, and her body. You can just imagine her however you'd like.

Our main character Zara, as you might've suspected will be a singer, meaning I'll include some songs that will obviously not hers, so full credits to the owner.

I've pictured or imagined her voice as some specifical singer, with her same first name, but that doesn't mean I'm casting her as our Zara, that's just a main coincidence. You'll get the explanation for her name throughout the story.

So now that that's out of the way, let's buckle up and welcome to Tryst, I hope you enjoy it.

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