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Chapter twenty


This has been, by far, the most hectic month of my life. Strangely enough, it started when we lost on the show.

Right after we lost on The X Factor, a month ago, we got a call from Simon on Monday.

''Good morning boys, Zara, I'm so glad you could make it.'' Simon said with a smile plastered on his face as he opened the door. ''Please come on in.''

''Is everything alright?'' Liam asked what we've all been wandering.

''Would there be something to go wrong?'' Simon replied with a question himself with a wicked smile. All of us shrugged. ''Please, do take a seat.'' We arranged on the sofas on his living room and he stood right in front of us.

''Are we in trouble?'' Zara curiosity got the best of her as she settled down next to me.

''Not that I'm aware of.'' He was acting so weird. ''Now, I've gathered all of you here because we need to discuss some issues.'' He intertwined his hands together.

''We do?'' Niall ask confused.

''Yes we do.'' Simon accommodated himself in front of us in a white loveseat. ''Okay, first of all. How are you feeling?'' This was getting freakier by the second.

''Cut to the chase, this is too much.'' Louis said and we all howerd death glances to his direction.

''Alright, down to business I see.'' He laughed. ''Well, as you know. You lost.''

Way to kick us while we're down.

''I watched and rewatched you performances all over again and realized that you still have so much to learn. Right now you have nothing, you just got out of a show that you lost and you have this thing were people know you but still don't.'' He explained while we watched with wide eyes.

Did he bring us here to make us cry?

''You are still young and have barely no experience to the real world out there.'' He cleared his voice. ''What I'm trying to say here is that you pretty much have each other but nothing else and that's not enough to succeed.'' Louis was tensing by my side and Zara was fumbling with her fingers to the other. She placed her hands on top of her knees and since I knew she was nervous I discreetly hooked my pinky with hers in a sign of comfort. She gave me a tight smile appreciating the gesture.

''However, you wouldn't be so lost if you had some help.'' The man was basically doing a monologue while we listened with care. ''So that's what you are all here for. You included Zara.'' She was about to say something but Simon raised his hand signaling that he wasn't finished.

''Basically what I'm trying to say here is that, I'm willing to sign you as artist and give you record deals.''

''Holy shit.'' Niall said right before letting out a nervous laugh.

''So, you are basically saying that you are giving us what winning the competition would have got us?'' Zara asked in confirmation as none of us could speak.

''Pretty much, yeah.'' He nodded but he was serious. ''The six of you, you as a group and you Zara; are way too valuable to let go. So I'm giving you a second chance. Is that something you'd be interested in?'' He asked and we all frantically nodded. ''Wonderful, so about in a month and a half you'll be flying to Los Angeles if you decide to sign your contract with the label and the management, to discuss about your future.''

''You are not kidding us, aren't you?'' Louis asked rather serious. We were all too damn shocked to process any words.

''I've never been more serious of anything in my life.'' He assured. ''Now moving onto the next topic.-'' He was interrupted by Zayn voicing out his thoughts.

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