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Chapter nine: the house


It's the first day of October and my life has turned upside down. Just to think that on that day in June my life would change the way it did, that I would be here is something that I would have thought is completely ludicrous.

Four months since I started on this adventure and I don't think I could have asked for a better companion; to top it off, this is just the beginning for us and I can feel it.

The five of us are in the back of a van transporting us to 'The X Factor House', we are all so excited about it that we can't stop talking about it.

When we were in Spain at Simon's, our mentor, House we were extremely nervous. We had spent almost every day the weeks prior to our encounter with him.

The guys and I moved to my dad's house in Manchester and we did everything that was advised to us. We spent some time on bonding but that was in no way near forced, it was natural, just five lads talking about random stuff and yeah, we do have a lot in common and I really like them.

After the Judge's House, which was at the beginning of september, we all returned home and spent some days with our respective families but that went on for like a week and then we figured that it would be better if we stick together until we start the live shows and life in the house, happening now.

All of our parents met and talked about common fears that they shared and they scolded us and gave us a really long talk about being responsible and to take care of each other, all of us were minors so a lot of responsibility landed on Louis' shoulders, which is completely nonsense but whatever helps them sleep at night.

Before everybody left we had a small gathering with our parents and everybody's siblings and we were a whole lot, parents being eleven, siblings being twelve and then the five of us. Liam older sisters hung out with Niall's brother and Louis' little sisters played around with Zayn's. The rest of us where all together along with Gemma and Zara.


After we had our verdict on Simon's House we were over the moon about it and the first thing that we did was call our parents and Zayn called Zara as well. And let me tell you, I've never seen Zayn so preoccupied about something in the short period of time I've known him, he's laid back and chill.

He spent like an hour on the phone trying to calm her down because she was a mess. She cried into the phone the whole time explaining what she had done wrong and how she could have improved it; later on she tranquilized and Zayn was very cautious about telling her we were though and that made her cry even more and she started screaming about how happy she was for us, specially for Zayn. I could hear her squealing and she wasn't even on speaker but she started ranting about how she could help us, If we needed anything and basically how she was gonna spend her life savings on voting for us on her phone.

When Zayn made sure that she had cleared off her mind of the issue he said his goodbyes and hung up the phone, and left out a loud sigh.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited about seeing her everyday on the house while training and singing with the lads. I don't really know If I would have tried anything with her but admiring her beauty as much as I could wouldn't have hurt either.

The last time that I saw her was the day we had the family gathering and I don't know how she does it, but I manage to space out just by looking at her. I had texted her a few times and that left me staring at my phone for a couple of minutes.

I can't even begin to describe it. At first I didn't really cared about her, it was merely a crush; pretty face, gorgeous eyes, nice body and a fine piece of ass. But then, the minute she started talking my way I was staggered. It's hard to say that I've ever met someone as interestingly alluring as Zara Malik, because I hadn't, until her. The attentiveness that she carries with herself, how selfless she is and how protective she gets when it becomes to her loved ones and especially her brother.

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