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Chapter seven: roadtrip.


If there's such thing as 'infatuation at first sight' I might be developing one. I don't know where it came from, how it came to me or anything. I don't really know if I believe in love at first sight. Yes, of course, there's people that just bump into each other and then, boom, out of nowhere they're inseparable and they cannot live without each other. There's that kind of love that when two people look in the eye, they just know.

I'm not one to tell you, I've never been truly in love, yet, but something was definitely happening to me.

It's been literally no more than sixteen hours since the first time I talked to her, yet she was the only thing that I had on my mind. I wanted a word for what I'm feeling right now, It's called infatuation.

I don't know why I'm so attracted to her, sure, she's the most gorgeous human being I've ever seen in my entire life but that's not all of it. I have this incessant need of being close to her, like a magnetism pull of some sort. To top that off, she's nice; she's so freaking nice I can't even believe she's real.

In the short period of time that I've known her she's been nothing but kind to everyone. At dinner she had some time with Gemma and I guess they really hit it off because they look like they've known each other their entire lives. But my mum was a little different, she's always been kind to everyone she meets, it doesn't really matters who. But I can't help but wonder what's different about her.

Of course, Zara Malik has this lure upon herself that just attracts people to her. All of the guys mum's were the same towards her. They asked her everything about her life, so far I've know that she's 17, a capricorn, that she works since she was 15. It's been a little over a year since she's been working at a nail salon in her hometown, her family are religious but she's not. She's been singing since she was 4 but didn't discovered it was her passion until she was 6 when taking the leading role on a school play. Her name was supposed to be Zahra, with an h at the middle but the people at the hospital messed up on her birth certificate and she never got around to changed it but she liked it.

Zara in arabic means high status and exalted but Zahra means beautiful, bright, shining, brilliant and star or flower . She said that her mum always tell her that she's truly a Zahra at soul and I haven't met her, but I totally agree with her.

You know when a parent looks at one of their children with bright eyes and adoration? Like it's their favorite child? Yeah, that's my mum with her and it's not even her daughter. Can't say I disagree, though.

Anyway, yesterday at dinner the five of us had said goodbye to each other with the promise that we would see one another at my dad's house in a couple of weeks in order to start singing with each other and practising.

Now we were on the road for Manchester and we had almost 2 hours until we would drop off Zara and Zayn at the train station. My mum had bought us some snacks and sodas for the drive back; we've been in the car for 2 hours already, halfway there.

Gemma was in the passenger's seat and the three of us were at the back and Zayn was in between Zara and I.

''So, why do they call you little Zee?'' I ask in curiosity to get her attention.

''Um, have you not seen her? She's barely a meter and a half.'' Zayn says laughing.

''Heyyyy'' Zara nudged him and I chuckled looking above Zayn to get a view of her. ''That's not true, I'm a meter and sixty six centimeters!'' she said sheepishly and I snorted out a laugh. ''Oi, that's not funny.'' she said to Zayn and I who were cackling loud.

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