fifty three

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Chapter fifty three


''To a wonderful tour and many more to come!'' Louis finishes making up the toast and we all take our glasses up, raising them and cheering together.

Harry had the wonderful idea of taking shots instead of starting off with anything else so I gulp it down quickly, grimacing at the taste and scrunching my face at the burn sensation on the back of my throat.

''Fucking shit.'' I curse and Harry looks up at me with wide eyes.

''Zee!'' He looks up at me and I can't contain the laugh that comes up as I see the little space buns on this hair. ''Why are you looking at me like that?'' He frowns and I giggle in response. He's so cute.

''Never thought space buns and you dressing up as Miley Cyrus could actually get me to want to kiss you.'' I look down at his taped nipples and his tiny metallic orange shorts, he has a styrofoam finger and he's wearing his boots because he doesn't sleep without them near.

''Yeah? You think I'm hot?'' He sinks his teeth on his lower lip and he gives me a short nod. ''You should see me twerking, baby.'' He wiggles his eyebrows up and down and I raise on my tiptoes to land a kiss on his lips. ''You actually make a pretty decent Robin Thicke.'' He looks down and me and grabs my hand to make me twirl.

''I thought you swore to never twerk in public ever again.'' I chuckle and he winks at me.

''You'll never know, Zee. You might actually get lucky tonight.'' He throws me a look and I bite my lip.

''Oh, I think I will.'' Now I wink back at him and he shakes his head while smiling. I see a couple of the guys coming towards him and Gemma motioning for me to go with her at the distance. I take off my blazer and Harry looks at me. ''I'll go with the girls, baby.'' I pluck my lips together and he leans in giving me a short kiss.

''See you around, gorgeous.'' I turn around and he pats my butt playfully, earning a look from me but he looks around, pretending to be innocent and I roll my eyes.

I make my way towards the girls' direction and they are getting shots for us as well. As I arrive to the high table I rest my striped blazer on the back of one chair along with my purse. My outfit tonight it's a matching blazer and wide pants, striped black and white. Underneath I have a silky satin black top with a low cut, revealing a deep cleavage.

''Did my brother just slapped your butt?'' Gemma asks, looking totally mortified and I blush looking down. I didn't think anyone would notice. She fake gags and Sophia smiles at me.

''You both look so good together, babe. So happy.'' She takes my hand and gives me a gentle squeeze and I smile.

''I am very happy.'' I say and they all aw at me and looking back at Harry, who's already downing another shot.

''So what's the deal with you guys? Why did you leave tour for a month?'' Jessica, one of the roadies that's around our age, asks me and Gemma throws her a look. She works with Julian and John, recording the albums and sound mixing with them.

''Um, I had a few stuff to do back at home. I'm recording a few of my own songs for my album.'' I quickly come up with a story, which is not a lie, but it wasn't the main reason why I left. Anyway, it's none of her business.

''Oh, I thought you two had a fight.'' Gemma looks up at me, wanting to say something but I quickly dismiss her with a look. ''Actually, I thought Luke was the main reason you two had split off.''

''We didn't.'' I shortly answer and a waiter leaves a tray full of shots in the middle of the table, making the conversation stop for a little bit.

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