thirty two

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Chapter thirty two


I don't know what I expected from that interaction with her but it clearly wasn't the actual outcome.

Seeing Harry made everything so twisted and confused for me. We didn't speak. I analysed back that night in my head over and over again and realized it; he didn't direct a single word to me.

It was different from these past couple of months, though. He did not ignore me. When I actually saw him at the O2 I just needed to hug him; his distancing was killing me and I needed to feel him close, if not emotionally then physically, whatever I can get.

I feel like we have this undeniable connection between us. For me it seems more intense than what he feels for me but I kind of think on some level he needs me too. I don't know, it's something weird but I'm not able to be away from him this much but I need to, if not I'm gonna get terribly hurt in the process- more hurt.

But what I mean is, he didn't say anything to me. We were close and it's not like I only spoke, he kept himself silent but still reacted to what I said. Strange, I know.

As for her, all she did was talk.

''Oh, I love this song.'' I say before as they start performing one of their songs with both hands on my chest while her and I are on the side looking.

''Yeah but like, do you really?'' She turns to me with a kind of cringed face. And I widen out my eyes a little taken aback.

''Yes, of course I do.'' I confirm taking a side glance to them. Their voices sound so good together. She shrugs with an unimpressed look on her face.''You don't?'' She shakes her head vigorously.

''It's not really my style.'' She scrunches her face while telling me this. ''Yeah, they all look good and they sing really well but it's kind of mainstream. Well, to me at least.''

''Oh.'' I simply say. It's totally fine that she doesn't like their music but I can't really understand her when they sound so good to me. I mean, to each their own but I guess I just figured she'd be supportive of Harry's music. ''This is my favourite part.'' I announce while smiling as I look at them.

''But anyway.'' She pats my shoulder to make me look at her and I leave a disappointed sigh hoping that it goes unnoticed. I don't really get to see them perform live anymore and I truly enjoy it. ''Harry told me you are singing on New Years Eve, that's freaking huge!'' She smiles at me and I blush. ''You should totally be proud.''

''Thank you.'' I look down a little sheepish. ''It's the third time I'll be in New York and I hope I can explore a little bit, I haven't had time to.'' I tell her. The thing is Aimee always plans out the entire trips for me, leaving no gaps in between.

''Oh! I live in New York! I'd be down to give you a tour along with Harry.'' She announces and my smile falls down a little; for a second there I forgot she was his girlfriend. ''He will be staying at mine, oh, you totally can too!'' She says excitedly and I'm left absolutely confused.

First of all, Harry hates spending the holidays away from his family. And second, I don't want to be rude but I can't stay at her house. It'd be way too inappropriate for me to stay under her roof while I feel like this about Harry. That added to the fact that I'd most likely finish breaking my heart.

''You are way too kind, thank you.'' I give her a small smile. ''But I'm flying my friends there as well and we already got the reservations and everything sorted out. Thank you so much, though. It's definitely very sweet of you to offer.'' I tell her the truth. She may be with Harry but she's really nice and a sweet girl, I could never hate her.

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