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Chapter four: boot camp pt. 2


Last day was wicked.

When my mum told me that she somehow had managed to get me an audition to The X Factor I though she was shiting me. Like for real, I had my own band but never in a million years would I thought that this was going to happen.

Anyway, yesterday on the first day of bootcamp we had to sing a fragment of a song in front of the judges. It was Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson. We had been separated by categories and then subdivided to perform on stage. Then my group was told that we were in and let me tell you it felt so good. I was a little nervous but I think I managed okay. There were some guys that were scary because they were absolutely amazing and I'm pretty much nothing compared to them cause I can't even bare someone looking at me in the eyes when I'm singing. Yeah, and I joined a competition where pretty much the whole United Kingdom watches, I'm a genius.

So I woke up this morning and had breakfast with my mum and my sister. They were staying with me in the hotel until I had to leave for home, which I was extremely grateful cause I would shit myself if I had to do this alone.

As I was saying, today was the second day of bootcamp and the activity today was dancing which I wasn't really excited about. I mean, it's not that I'm scared or something it's simply that I'm not the smoothest dancer out there. And I've also been told that my moves are pretty harsh so there's that too.
But if I had to do it in order to continue on this competition then I will do it. I just don't wanna go home, at least not right now. Now I got excited.

I arrived at the venue pretty early mid morning and I was told to get on stage with the other participants so I walked there and waited. Then I heard someone call my name.

It was Sophia, she and I had met yesterday when we were waiting for the groups to perform and we had really hit it off. She was nice but she is way older than me, given that she's 23. And it's not like I like her or anything, it wouldn't matter cause I have a girlfriend back home. So she's just a friend.
We talked about today and she told me to relax, and even showed me some moves cause she's done this before so it was really cool of her to teach me.

Then silence invaded the stage and we saw Louis and Simon yet again.

"Good morning everyone and congratulations." Simon said as soon as he grabbed the mic. " I believe that I speak for me and Louis when I say that we've been in presence of some amazing talent yesterday" everybody cheered. "But not everything is good news. I'm afraid that today you are going to learn how to dance." There was complete silence and faces of disgust. "However, you'll not be judged upon this. It's just a simple exercise to test your character and presence on stage"

Okay, I can do that.

"Today the team that'll be working with you guys is slightly different from yesterday's'' Louis speaks for the first time. ''This is Bryan, who's not only creative director of the show, but also your choreographer. He'll be teaching you some stuff along with Leticia and Ryan.''

''Hello guys, welcome. As Louis mentioned I'm Bryan and I'll be your coach for today.'' A guy with a green onesie starts to speak on the microphone.

He starts explaining what we'll do today and some other stuff that sounds really confusing. After some time we all gather on the stage, which may I add is hard cause there's like a hundred of us and we're supposed to be dancing, and he gets up on stage in front of all of us. He starts showing some kind of routine that doesn't seem too hard but is definitely not easy. I look around me and there's people's already imitating him and he's not even finished which amazes me but at the same time it's frightening

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