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Chapter fifteen: week 6


''Vas happenin, Zee?'' Zayn appeared next to me doing funny voices and poking my cheek.

''No, not again.'' I shoved his face to the other side. However, he wouldn't stop hovering me ''Stop annoying me.'' I got up and he started following me like the annoying little fuck he is. ''Zayn Javadd Malik, for fucks sake, stop!'' I walked-run around the house.

''Zee, Zee, Zeeee! I'm lonely, and bored and lonely.'' He hugged me by the waist and cuddled into my chest.

''Dude, you are smothering me.'' I pushed him to the side. ''Aren't you supposed to be filming a video diary?''

''No, we already finished that.'' He followed me to the kitchen.

''And what about the fans letters? You have a shit ton.'' I signaled the full size bag that was filled with fan mail addressed specifically to one direction.

''I have to do that with the boys and they are busy so I decided to bond with my little sister.'' He took me under his arm messing with my hair.

''More like annoying me.''

''Hey! You used to like spending time with me.''

''Yeah and I still like it but not when you are being clingy.'' I chuckled and he did the same.

''Harry is as twice as clingy and you still have him around.'' He mumbled and narrowed his eyes. ''Unless.'' The imaginary light bulb must have turned on inside his head because he had an inquisitive look on his face.

''Unless what, you wanker?'' I rolled my eyes.

''You like him!'' He accused me.

''Yeah of course I do.'' I said and he gasped, but it was the truth. ''But only as a friend, nothing more. More like a brother kind of.'' I insisted.

''You sure?'' He narrowed his eyes again.

''Yes of course. You don't have to be jealous, you have my undivided attention, always.'' I said. ''You are missing Geneva, aren't you?'' I caressed his hair and he nodded sheepishly. ''You poor thing'' I cooed. ''You can always call her, you know?''

''Yeah but after all this weeks, not having her here sucks.'' He pouted.

''I know, love, but you'll see her eventually.''


I woke up, in the middle of the night, again.

Since last week I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping through the night. I don't know what could it be but is seriously starting to bug me out. Usually I would think it has something to do with me being nervous but I've been coping well ever since I started. Of course, the competition was getting tougher each time but that wasn't keeping me up.

I stood on my tip toes and walked out the bedroom and made my way to the kitchen; nothing a little chamomile tea cannot fix. I entered the kitchen, turned on the lights and got the kettle on the stove. I sat down at the counter next to it and waited staring into nothing. I got a little chilly since I was wearing shorts and an oversized sweatshirt so I pulled my legs to my chest and hugged them tightly positioning my head at the top of my knees.

I was there staring into nothing and heard some footsteps coming closer so I averted my eyes to the door.

''Oh no, you again?'' Harry entered rubbing one of his eyes and scratching his belly with the other hand.

''I couldn't sleep.'' I shrugged.

''Zee, this is the fifth night in a row. Are you sure you are alright?'' He opened the fridge and dove his head into it.

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