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Chapter nineteen: week 10. The final



''So, are the two of you not gonna talk to each other anymore?'' Liam asks looking at Zayn and I.

''Don't look at me, I'm not mad. He's the one not talking to me.'' I defended myself.

The six of us were in the back of a van going up north to Louis' hometown because they had a presentation at his school and then we would go to my hometown and I'd do a little concert and right after that they'd do a signing at a local shop.

We would spend the night at a hotel in Manchester and in the morning we will take off to Harry's hometown for a gathering at his house at noon.

I had the chance to go home by myself but the production thought I'd be good press for me to make appearances with the boys and I didn't really mind going with them, I'd get bored and they were really good company as well.

''Come on, you are twins.'' Harry tried to ease up a bit.

''I don't even know why he's mad.'' I say frustrated, the silent treatment was killing me. I can't bare for people to be angry at me.

''Oh, like you wouldn't know.'' He squinted his eyes at me and turned to the window with his arms crossed.

''Whatever it is it can't be that bad.'' Harry commented.

''I've told you many times Zara.'' Zayn turned to me. ''Stay away from that guy.'' The way he said it I knew exactly who he was talking about.

''Is this what is all about? For real?'' I ask in disbelief and the other guys' eyes ping ponged from me to Zayn. Great timing to have this conversation in a tiny space.

''What guy?'' Harry asked.

''And take him to the house? Are you mental?'' Zayn ignored Harry.

''Do you really think I invited him?'' I spat back.

''I'm not following.''

''Well, who else Zara? Huh?'' Zayn challenged ignoring Harry again.

''He appeared there and what was I supposed to do then? Kick him out and cause a scene?''

''Would anybody give me context?''

''Zara's fuckboy, Harry.'' Zayn rolled his eyes and Harry widened his while I puff out a breath.

''First of all, he's not my fuckboy. And second, I didn't want him there either!''

''That dickhead Levi?'' Harry narrowed his eyes at me and Zayn noded.

''This just got so much more interesting.'' Niall failed in an attempt to whisper to Louis.

''Why would you forgive him then? Cause I told you before anything, stay away from the guy and as always you do whatever the hell you want and then they break your heart you are devastated and guess who's not gonna be there anymore, Zara? Yeah, me. Because I've told you so many times and you never listen.'' Zayn shook his head in disapprovement.

''Did you forgive him?'' Harry asked again.

''Zayn you are not gonna be able to protect me from everything! I made a mistake, yeah. But you have no right to be mad at me.''

''He spent the whole hour following her like a lost puppy, fucking pathetic.'' Zayn explained to Harry not giving a shit what I had just said.

''Because I couldn't kick him out, for fucks sake.''

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