fifty two

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Chapter fifty two


''Are you sure you are alright, babe?'' Cassie asks through the screen of my phone and I nod, making sure she sees me. I'm okay.

''Yes Cass, I'm totally fine. It hasn't happened in two weeks.'' I tell her and she seems unsure, almost worried.

''So...since you went back on tour?'' She wonders.

''Pretty much, yeah. Maybe it's the bed changing, you know?'' She frowns so I go on. ''Going back and forth, never sleeping in the same bed and the whole crazy thing with the tour. They have shows every night, Cassie. It's insane.''

''It really does bring you back memories, huh?'' We both chuckle at the crazy nights we had with my own tour last year. Whatever I do next, it's not gonna be this hectic.

''It does.'' I mindlessly say and she sighs. ''But I don't have nightmares anymore. It was when Harry and I had that fight and the weeks I was home. I don't really know.''

''So this happens when you are not around him.'' It sure does sound like a question but she's stating it, more than anything.

''Where are you trying to get to, Cassie?'' She's deep in thought now.

''I'm just saying.'' She quickly defends. ''Every time you are not around him, you have these night terrors.''

''They are just nightmares.'' I comment and she shakes her head.

''Darling, if you had heard yourself crying the night I spent at your flat you wouldn't be saying this. I woke you up and you looked like a zombie. You didn't react, you just stared into nothing, and the next morning you didn't remember anything.'' She repeats the same thing Harry explained to me after I had that nightmare in New York.

It had been a while since I slept in the same bed as him so maybe it was the shock of sleeping back with him but if Cassie is saying it happened with her too, then who knows what happens when I sleep alone? Because I can't remember a thing.

There had been nights that I wake up in the middle of the night with my breath hitched but I simply go back to bed in a matter of seconds.

''I'm sure it's nothing, I'm all good now Cass.'' I assure her and the door flies open revealing a smug-looking Harry and I smile at him. ''Love, I gotta go. I'll text you later, okay?'' She nods.

''Of course, be sure to use that thong I gifted you!'' She says loud enough for Harry to listen and he immediately smirks.

''Thank you Cassie.'' He says on a sing-song voice and I have to bite my lip at the comment while she laughs and Harry jumps at the bed, landing on my body from behind.

''You are welcome, Harry.'' She says and he pecks my cheek, hugging my shoulders. ''Alright, I'll leave you both to it.'' She sends kisses through the screen and we say goodbye to her.

''Harry, you are crushing me.'' I breathe out. I'm with my front facing the mattress and he's resting on my back, on top of me.

''So, a thong yeah?'' He starts pressing little kisses on my neck, making me giggle and squirm under him.

''Harry.'' I whine and he rolls us both so I'm on top of him now, facing his chest. ''Are you okay, baby?'' I stroke the little curls that fall on his forehead and he frowns. ''Your nose's a little red.'' I bop his nose and he smiles.

''I'm having some allergies, this hot and cold weather is not really good for me.'' He tells me and I press a short kiss to his lips.

''Did you remember to get your inhaler right? Because I always carry one in my purse, just in case.'' I offer and he gives me a bright smile.

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