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Chapter six: the band


This has been the most eventful day of my life.

At first I didn't got in, but then I did and now I'm in a band.


In the middle of it I called my girlfriend because I was upset and as much as I don't want to admit it, I was also crying. I told her that I hadn't made it through and she talked to me for a while trying to console me. After a little while people from the show started gathering us around as we were getting ready to leave and I had to hung up, there was too much commotion.

Then, I got called back on stage with other four guys and we didn't really knew what to expect, all I remember now is being upset because I was fucking crying and I felt devastated and to top it off I had like three cameras on my face.

I said ''You kept us back because you wanna make us cry. We are boys and we're all gonna be crying.'' And I though they were making it for the sake of the show, some drama.

But man, I was so wrong.

We got on stage with those guys and five minutes later I returned and I was back on the show and in a fucking band, I couldn't believe it.

''There's literally no second chances''

That was what they had said at the beginning of Bootcamp, but somehow they were giving us a lifeline, and I for sure was gonna take it. I'm not going to cock this up

As I talked to the boys, Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn we all said yes, this was too much of an opportunity to pass on. It was all so crazy.

Before I got down the stage I took a look at my phone.


Sorry Harry, this isn't gonna work anymore.

I frowned and I was about to answer but the guys started talking and I got caught up in and shoved my phone into the pocket of my jeans.

We were all incredibly excited.

''What are we gonna wear?'' I blurted out.

''We should all dress like Louis'' Niall said. ''I like your shoes, we should wear those.''

''Those are pretty cool'' Liam agreed and Zayn nodded silently.

That went on for like a second and then we had to leave the stage. We were walking down the stairs and saw the other contestant coming at us, and we all started running.

''Zee!'' I heard Zayn speak for the first time and looked towards him, he had that girl clung to him like for dear life.

That's her.

I realized that she's even more beautiful up close. I must have been on a trance just by looking at her. Those eyes, they were a greeny blue, more blue than anything. I stared down at her.

Dear God, she's wearing a fucking skirt.

''Guys, this is my little sister.''




Oh no.

She started introducing herself and I literally could take my eyes of her.

I must look like a perv.

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