eighteen pt.1

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a/n: this is part of a multiple update so make sure to read them in order

Chapter eighteen: week 9 pt. 1


This has been one of the most stressful, upsetting, nerve racking weeks of my life. Basically, the worst week of my existence.

On Sunday we had the last Show's result previous to the Semifinal. After a very long day of rehearsing just in case I had to defend my place in this competition we had to go to the studio. The day went by as quickly as it could until we had the results. Luckily enough, neither the boys nor me were on the bottom three, which meant we were safe.

On the other hand, Louis Walsh lost both his acts that night. Mary had to do a sing off with Cher and she absolutely smashed it, taking Mary out of the competition. When that happened I was a little gutted because Mary is such a nice lady and she really deserved a place here, as much as everybody else does, but the public vote got the best of her.

Elseways, I was incredibly happy for being in the semifinal with my friends, given that the acts left were, Cher, Rebecca, Matt, One Direction and I. However, it was safe to say, this next few weeks wouldn't be easy. I love every single one of this people; except from Matt, i don't really know the bloke but he's nice.

That meant that which ever way this could go, some of this people or I will have to be leaving the competition sooner or later. I was torn because being this close to winning everything would be a dream come true but that would conclude in stealing the chance for someone else to do that, my brother included.

When we entered this competition, I never pictured myself going this far along. It began as a fun thing that would lead me to singing in front a lot of people but I never envisioned this.

Zayn and I, we would always have each others back, but havings his back meant also having the other four guys as well, because they come as a package deal; and competing against them would break my heart.

They had decided that no matter what, they would stick together; and I totally supported their decision. They had something incredibly special when they sing together. I was never one to believe in fate, or destiny or soulmates for that matter. But they have proven me wrong, they were meant to be a band. Circumstances brought them together and it's not everyday that you put five teenager guys into a room and force them to work with one another. That could have gone terribly wrong but for some reason it didn't; they have chemistry, they sound amazing and far and most importantly, they are best friends.

If I had to say if I believe in soulmates, then I would say yes. But you don't found it in your loved one; if you are lucky enough you do. But for me the closest thing to soulmates were my friends, and they are the clear representation of it.

On monday I had met with Cheryl to coordinate this weeks work and the performances. Just like last week, this would be divided into two songs and an extra one in case we needed for the sing off.

We had no theme, the slogan was 'song to get you to the final'. We had complete liberty in what we could chose and Cheryl delegated most of the decisions to me. She trusted my judgment and I was thankful for that. The only bad thing about her was that I had barely no time to help us all, and to top that off, this week she had to mentor the boys as well because their mentor had the flu.

I never had a bad encounter with Simon, he's been incredibly supportive of me and has always advised me to get better in some stuff. However, I wasn't very fond of the treatment he had with the boys. Sure, they loved the guy because to them it was like their idol. He gave them many opportunities and I sense that they feel in debt to him. Something not entirely true but that wasn't false either. Of course, he put them together, he saved them on judge's house, he's been mentoring them; but if it wasn't for their hard work they wouldn't be in the place they are today.

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