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Chapter two: Bradford


The road trip back home ended before I even noticed. I couldn't stop rambling about what had gone down today. We did it, we actually did it. To say I was beyond astonished would be an understanding.

Good things are actually coming my way. I'm actually speechless.

This has been my ultimate dream ever since I performed my first song in front of my whole family and friends on a school play at the age of 6. I was a little enthusiast, pretty ambitious if you ask me, but I didn't care. The feeling that I get when I'm performing on stage is like nothing I can compare. The adrenalin that run through my veins everytime I hit a note of my favorite songs is something I can't even begin to describe.

I know I'm getting way ahead of myself but I just can't stop what I'm feeling right now. I love this, it just feels right, I feel like I belong, and that's something that hasn't been coming my way for a long time now.

Zayn and I have always been kind of musical kids. He's been more quiet about it, but the talent he has is like nothing I've seen before, he's actually one of the greatest singers in the world, even if the world doesn't even know it, yet.

As twins we've been challenged our whole lives. Not at home, of course, and not in an intentional way everywhere; it's just a matter of nature. Matters of who did something in particular first, who took the first steps, who was the first one to read, who has the best grades, who's a better at something.

Auditioning for The X Factor was something strange, something that i would like to believe is some kind of Twin Telepathy, if that even exist. We were both enjoying breakfast on a Sunday watching the telly in out living room when between shows a voice said they were running some preliminary videotape auditions for The X Factor. There was a silence between us and then we both looked at each other and said ''You should audition!''.

So that was it, we made the decision and also a promise. A promise that, no matter whatever happens in the competition we would always support each other and have each other's back.

As we were approaching our house, my mum invited my uncle and aunt for dinner, and said that my Granny had cooked some Shepherd's Pie.

So back to reality, here we are, as much as it hurts so burst my own little bubble.

Tomorrow I had to go to work and don't get me wrong I fucking love it, it's just the fact that it gets a tad boring doing the same thing, every single day. I work in a nail salon, I do manicure on people, nothing fancy, it's not like I know how to do acrylics, just some pampering and nail polish. I got it right before I had turned 16, I had babysat some babies before that.
I have always loved to work, the feeling of being self-sufficient, for me it's something that I believe gives me purpose, being able to get and do stuff for myself it's absolutely wonderful, and of course, something that my dad, does not accept.

My relationship with my dad has always been good, but ever since I started to question myself he hasn't been giving me the easiest of times. I mean, he's loving and caring and there's nothing that he wouldn't do for his family but I think I broke his heart when I told him I wouldn't be practising his same beliefs. We had a huge fight about it. It started with me saying that I wanted to work, along with going to school obviously.

My family has never been in the privileged spectrum of society, we weren't poor, we always have food on the table and we are educated, but living in a little house with 5 children and both your in-laws it's not easy, and we sometimes struggled a bit. My dad wanted to take care of everything, so I offered my help. That later unraveled in a discussion that I shouldn't be working because I was 16, that added to the fact that I was still a young girl, which made me go tremendously mad.

It ended with me saying that I don't share the same beliefs that he proclaims so I told him that I was agnostic, I had done my research and I believe that's who I was. He laughed in my face and we didn't speak for almost a week, then he came back telling me that he was sorry that he had somewhat disrespected me, he thanked me for being straightforward with him and he told me that no matter what I'll always be his daughter and that he'll always love me.

And I know that's true, but I just also feel he's disappointed in me.

Anywho, we arrived at my house and as we pass the threshold my whole family and some friends yelled ''Congratulations!''

''I'm so proud of you both'' My dad embraced Zayn and I in a tight hug and he placed a kiss on the top of my head.

After being greeted by my entire family I settled down with my friends on a corner of the room.

"My best friend is a pop star!" Libby said excitedly.

"Congratulations little one!" Marco embraced me from the side.

"Thank you guys, thanks for your messages also" I smiled.

"When is the show being aired?" Lexington asked.

"I don't really know yet, they just gave us list of stuff to do and get before we come back. We have to go back in a month and some days for boot camp" I said remembering what the people from the show had told us. "It's a 5 days thing if I go through every fase. We have some vocal coaching, dancing and coordination. It should be interesting."

"You don't have to be worried about dancing." Shana nudged my arm. "Or singing" she laughed. "You'll get through everything, love."

"Yeah, but I'm worried about Zayn. You know how he feels about dancing" I looked at him across the room. He was talking to his friends and some of my cousins.

"He'll be fine, he know he has to do it in order to go through." Lex said.

I hope we both get through.

We were talking about random stuff and plans for the remaining of the summer and my phone chimed in.

Heard the good news, congrats Zee! xx - L

Thank you! I'm sorry but I don't know who you are I don't have your number

It's Levi

"Oh bloody hell!" I gasped. "Guys, Levi McNally just texted me!"

"Come on, Zee! That guys is a fucking twat!" Marco said with a disgusted face.

"He's right, Zee" Lex agreed with him. And I was about to say something but my phone went off again.

Hope I didn't scare you off. Just wanted to tell you that I'm having a rooftop party on Friday and I'd like to see you there :)

"He said he's having a party on friday." I informed.

That's nice, can I bring my friends along?

Of course! I'd like to have a little one on one with you though ;)

Sure, see you there :)

Can't wait ;) xx

"He may be an asshole but he sure knows how to throw some wicked parties" I heard Shana say when I returned to the conversation

"It's settled then! We're going." Libby said and we all laughed.


A/n: Heyyyy! kind of a boring one, just to get to know our little Zara.
Promise the next one will be way more exciting


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